Page:A History of Italian Literature - Garnett (1898).djvu/448

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Redi, Francesco, 281, 282
Reeve, Henry, 81
Ridella, Franco, 357
Romagnosi, Giovanni Domenico, 378
Rosa, Salvator, 286
Roscoe, William, 189, 196
Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio, 378
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, translations by, 7, 8, 9, 15, 19, 20, 22, 34, 95, 100, 102
Rossetti, Gabriel, 386, 387
Rossi, J. V. [Nicius Erythræus], 269, 277, 287
Rousseau, 329
Rucellai, Giovanni, 202

Sabadino degli Arienti, 217
Sacchetti, Franco, 102, 214, 215
Sade, Abbé de, his theory respecting Petrarch's Laura, 68–71
Sannazaro, Jacopo, his life, 122; his Arcadia, 123, 124; his Latin and Italian poetry, 187
Sarpi, Pietro, 267, 268
Savonarola, Girolamo, 121
Secchia Rapita, La, 208, 209
Senuccio del Bene, 101
Sepolcri, I, 339
Serao, Matilda, 409
Settembrini, Luigi, 124, 219, 243, 274.344
Sewall, Frank, translation from Carducci, 401
Shakespeare, Othello, 219; Measure for Measure, 219, 229; Timon of Athens, 230; sonnets, 255
Shelley, 17, 27, 35, 41, 144, 360
Sicilian octave, the, 10
Sidney, Sir Philip, 124, 262
Sixtus v., Pope, 270
Solerti, 243
Song of Roland, 128
Sonnet, the, 9, 284
Spenser, 134, 146, 329, 403
Speroni, Sperone, 229
Staël, Madame de, her Corinne, 333, 354
Stampa, Gaspara, 195
Stigliani, Tommaso, 275
Straparola, his Notti Piacevoli, 220
Swinburne, quoted, 373
Symonds, J. A., cited, 26, 44, 48, 106, 118, 190, 197, 232, 234, 260, 309. 323, 414; translations by, 120, 265

Tansillo, Luigi, his life and poems, 195–197
Tasso, Bernardo, his Amadigi, 152; his sonnets, 191; his misfortunes, 239
Tasso, Torquato, his Rinaldo, 152; Torrismondo, 229; Aminta, 233, 234; his life, 238–246; Jerusalem Delivered, 246–254; minor poems, 254, 255; his dialogues, 266; his sonnet to Stigliani, 275; his patriotic feeling, 352
Tassoni, Alessandro, 208, 209
Telesio, Bernardo. 260
Teseide, La, 91, 92
Testa, Giovanni Battista, 381
Testi, Fulvio, 279, 280
Tiraboschi, Girolamo, 295, 296
Tomlinson, C., 81
Tommaseo, Niccolo, 384, 385
Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio, his Italia Liberata, 153, 154; his Sophonisba, 228
Troya, Carlo, 382, 383
Turpin, Archbishop of Rheims, 127

Uberti, Fazio degli, 99, 100

Valla, Lorenzo, 111
Valle, Pietro della, 271