Page:A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy.djvu/509

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Aaron ben Elijah, xli, 362-387; relation to Maimonides, 363 f.; to the Mu'tazila, 364; reason and faith, 364 f.; physics, 366 ff.; defends atomic theory, 367 f.; creation, ibid.; existence of God, 368 f.; unity, ibid.; incorporeality, ibid.; attributes, 369 f.; will of God, 372; problem of evil, 373 f., 376 f.; Providence, 375 f.; reward and punishment, 379, 383; purpose of the world and of man, 379 f.; prophecy, 380 f.; immutability of the Law, 382; reason of the commandments, ibid.; immortality, 384; resurrection, 385 f.

Aaron ben Joseph, 363

Abarbanel, Don Isaac, 304, 312, 328, 430

Abarbanel, Judah Leo, 431

Abd Al Rahman III, 59

Abélard, 305

Abraham bar Hiyya, xlvi, 114-124; standpoint, 115; physics, 116 f.; matter, ibid.; form, 117 ff.; intellect, soul and nature, 119; ethics, 119, 122 f.; reward and punishment, 119, 122 ff.; immortality, 120 f.; problem of evil, 123 f.; 128, 139, 175, 309, 435

Æsculapius, 155

Afer, Constantinus, 1

Aher, 197

Akiba, Rabbi, xxvi

Al-Ashari, xxiii

Albalag, Isaac, 328, 429, 430, 447, note 403a

Albalia, Barun, 151

Al Basir, Joseph, xxv, xlvii, 48-55; priority of reason, 48; atomic theory, 49; existence of God, 49 f.; creation, ibid.; attributes, 50; divine will, ibid.; eternity, 51; incorporeality, unity, simplicity, ibid, f.; God's word, 52; ethics, ibid, f.; problem of evil, 54; freedom, 54 f.; and foreknowledge, ibid.; reward and punishment, 55; 56, 57, 81, 126, 127, 128, 141, 146, 200, 246, 363, 434

Albertus Magnus, 1, 200, 306, 312, 313, 323

Albo, Joseph, l, 406-427; standpoint, 406 ff.; purpose of his work, 408; principles of religion, ibid.; criticism of Maimonides's 13 articles, 409 ff.; Albo's own view, 410 f.; divine law distinguished from natural and conventional, 408 ff.; freedom, a principle, 412 ; creation, 413, 415; existence of God, 419 f.; attributes, 420; angels, ibid.; revelation, 420 f.; prophecy, 421; immutability of the Law, 423; God's knowledge, 424; and human freedom, ibid.; Providence, 425; reward and punishment, 425 f.; 428, 430, 436, 447, note 403a

Alexander of Aphrodisias, xviii, 7, 60, 290, 313, 321, 332, 334, 335, 336

Alexander the Great, xvii

Alexander of Hales, 306