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every such appointment shall be valid, until such appointment shall be cancelled, and some other person appointed to be Returning Officer; and every Returning Officer may appoint such clerks, deputies, and other subordinate officers as may be necessary to carry this Act into execution.

Proviso in case the Returning Officers being candidaies, or other deficiency of officers

4. No candidate for election, in any electoral district, shall be competent to act as a Returning Officer at such election: and in the event of any inability or incompetency of any person appointed to act as Returning Officer, or to perform any office or duty in execution of this Act, the Governor may appoint such other persons as he may deem fit, to perform such office or duty.

Returning Officer for House of Assembly to he Deputy Returning Officer for Legislative Council

5. The Returning Officer for each electoral district shall be a Deputy Returning Officer for the same, as an electoral division, for the election of Members to serve in the Legislative Council; and shall, within such division, have and exercise all the powers and perform the duties of a Returning Officer, with regard to the formation and revision of lists of voters, and claimants and of the electoral roll, and of all matters relating or incident thereto, and the appointment of clerks and deputies, and other officers.

Voting places

6. For each of the electoral districts and divisions, there shall be, within such district or division, such voting places as mentioned in Schedule B, to this Act annexed, and no other.

Forms of notices of claim to he left with electors

7. Between the first day of March and the thirty-first day of March in every year the Town Clerks of Corporations, and Clerks appointed by the District Councils under Ordinance No. 16, 1852, in such part of any electoral district or division within the respective limits of any Corporation and District Council, and in such part of any such district or division without such limits, then the police shall cause to be left at the residence of every person within the district, a notice according to the form of Schedule C, to this Act annexed, requiring all persons entitled to vote in the election of Members of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, to fill in and sign the notice of their claim to be placed on the electoral roll for either or both Houses of Parliament, as they may be entitled; and the occupier is hereby required to give notice to all male persons, of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, resident at such dwelling-house, of the receipt by him of such form of claim, and that they are required to fill up and sign the same; and every such clerk shall receive for such service the sum mentioned in Schedule I to this Act annexed.