Page:A History of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania.djvu/105

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attending this arrangement appears to us good reason for continuing it.

“In addition to this it may be observed, that we believe Chemistry is taught by Medical Professors in all the Universities of Europe, that of Upsal excepted, where the late Sir T. Bergman was Chemical Professor. But in Sweden Chemistry is cultivated principally on account of its application to Mineralogy, and the Chemical Professors are not members of the Medical Faculty.

“We beg leave again to suggest that our Professor of Chemistry has always taken an active part in the business of the Medical Faculty, judging of the qualifications of the respective candidates in every branch of their profession, and examining Inaugural Theses on subjects relating to Medicine.”

The letter was signed by Drs. Bush, Wistar, Barton, and Physick.

This expression of opinion was called for by a resolution pending before the Board of Trustees, that the Professorships of Natural History, Botany, and Chemistry, “should not hereafter be considered as pertaining to the Medical Department of the Faculty, although gentlemen of the medical profession are and shall continue eligible to those professorships.” The proposition was not entertained.