Page:A History of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/357

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78; restored, 92; first custom house at, 282.

Babcock, Dr. Ira L., goes to Dalles Mission, 137.

Bagley, C. B., private library utilized, 212 n.

Bagot, Charles, British minister protests plan to send Ontario to Columbia, 90-91.

Baker, Dr. D. S., builds Walla Walla and Columbia River Railway, 229 n.

Baker, city in Eastern Oregon, railroad to, 242.

Balboa, discovers Pacific Ocean, i.

Ball, John, with Wyeth, first school master in Oregon, 86 n.

Beers, Alanson, and family, 119.

Bellingham Bay, proximity of coal mines to, 210.

Benton, Thomas H., on Oregon Question, loi; writes letter to Oregon settlers, 187.

Bering, Vitus, discoveries of, 9-10.

Biddlc, Captain, ship Ontario ordered to Columbia, 90, 91. Nicholas, edits journal of Lewis and Clark, 61 n.

Blackfoot Indians, attitude toward Hunt's party, 72; American traders, 107.

Blanchet, Reverend Father, mission of, in Willamette Valley, 125.

Boise, Fort, I2I.

Valley, or Basin, mining in,

224; agriculture of, 229. Bonneville, Captain, trades and

explores west of Rockies,

109-110. Boone, Daniel, interviewed by

Bradbury, y2 n. Brewer, missionary assistant,

137 British Columbia, gold rush to, 222.

Broughton, Lieutenant, explores Columbia River,

23 Bryant, William Cullen, popularizes the name "Oregon "through Thanatopsis, 96.

Buchanan, James, Secretary of State, writes to Oregon people, 186-7; negotiates with Pakenham, 180-81.

Burnett, Peter H., helps to raise emigrating company, 147; letters to New York Herald, 147; elected captain, 148; resigns, 148; goes to California, 203,

Cabrillo, Spanish explorer, discovers San Diego Bay, 6.

Calhoun, John C, his argument in Oregon negotiation, 181; opposes Territorial Bill for Oregon, 187.

California, origin of name, S; discovery, 6; exploration of coast, 7; Drake in, 6; Vizcaino's exploration of, 7; planting of missions and presidios, 10, 1 1;