Page:A History of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/364

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Tesse "to be Columbia River, 27 n.

Malheur River, 169.

May Dacre, Wyeth's ship, 112.

Mayflower Compact, 162-3.

Mandan, villages, camp of Lewis and Clark at, S4-5.

Manufactures (or Industry), commerce and, Chap. XIX.

McCarver, M. M., 163; quoted, 167.

McLoughlin, Dr. John, abandons Fort George, builds Fort Vancouver, 80-1; his management of the fur trade of Hudson Bay Company, 81-83; management of livestock business, and farming, 83-4; treatment of rival traders at Vancouver, case of Jedidiah S. Smith, 108; missionaries, 120, 121; encourages formation of cattle company, 130; agrees to join the Provisional Government, 172.

MTDougal, D., P. F. Co. partner, 76.

Meares, Captain John, N. W. Coast trader, explores De Fuca's Strait, 17-18.

Meek, Joe, first sheriff of Oregon Provisional Government, 162; carries news of Whitman massacre to Washington, 194. Stephen H. L., misguides the emigrants of 1845. 169.

Michaux, Andre, French botanist, plans to explore the

West, Jefferson's instructions to, 36-7.

Missions, in California, lO-ii; in Middle West, 112-115; beginnings of in Oregon, Methodists, 116-117;

progress of, 1 18-1 19; A. B. C. F, M., Oregon missions of, 1 19-123; Catholic missions in N. W., 124-126.

Mississippi River, basis of prosperity of the West, 39-41; Spaniards close the Mississippi, 41-2; Jefferson's determination to open the river, 42; Lewis and Clark exploration related on Mississippi, 43-46.

Missouri River, Jefferson's knowledge of, in 1782, 31-3; route to Pacific by, 2(>-2>7; country of to be protected, 45; exploration of, by Lewis and Clark, Chap. IV; fur trade of, 64, 67, 68, 72; Ledyard's plan to explore, from Nootka Sound, 35-36 and 36 n.

Missouri, state, starting point in Oregon emigration movement, 147.

M'Kenzie, Donald, builds Walla Walla Fort, 79.

Mofros, Duflot de, visits Oregon, 1841, 138.

Moluccas, or Spice Islands, goal of early maritime discoveries, 3, 4.

Monroe, James, helps to secure Louisiana from Napo 318