Page:A History of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/366

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Chap. VII, 88 ff.; settled, Chap. XII, 173 flf. State, agitation for state government, adoption of constitution, admission into the Union, 218. Steam Navigation Company, helps to open trade with Inland Empire, 223; becomes the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, 242. Territory, created by Congress, 196; proclaimed by Governor Lane, 197. Trail, converted into California Trail, 206.

Oregonian and Indian's Advocate, 135-6 and n.

Oregonian, The Sunday, of Portland, reprints. Lee and Frost's "The First Ten Years of Oregon," cited, 117.

Orient, trade with from Pacific Northwest, Lewis's views of, 62, and n.

Pacific Fur Company. See Astor and Columbia River Fur Trade.

Palouse, wheat growing area, south of Spokane River. Described by General Stevens, 221.

Panama Canal, affects agricultural development of N. W., 251, 252; relation to N. W. commerce, 274-5; especially, 289.

Parker, Dr. Samuel, missionary of A. B. C. F. M., ex plores the Oregon country as a mission field, 1 19-20. Peace River, ascended by Mackenzie, 25. Pend d'Oreille, Lake, N. W. Co. fort at, 74; navigation to, 225. Perez, Juan, explores northward from California to Alaska, 11. Perkins, Rev. H. K. W., missionary, 119. Pioneer and Democrat, Puget Sound newspaper, used as source, 212 n. Pitman, Miss, missionary, 119, Polk, President James K., helps settle the Oregon question, 185. Portland, new at time of California gold rush, 208; relation to Inland Empire trade, rapid growth, 226. Powder River, mining on, 222. Prevost, J. B., receives Astoria from British in 1818, 92. Prickly Pear River, mining region, 222. Puget Sound, Fort Nesqually and Methodist Mission near, 137; first settlers on, 183; posture of affairs in 1848, 209; lumbering begun, 209-10; discovery of coal, 210; settlers demand separate territorial government, 211-12; fisheries of, the Salmon pack, 276-7; harbours of impress Lieutenant Wilkes, 284; trade of, 285, 286.