Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/469

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SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS 413 co-operation in the new service to which they had called him. On the day following this meeting the Senate of the University met and voted: That the Board of Trustees of the University be informed that the Senate has heard with great pleasure of the high appreciation by the Board of Trustees of the services of Dean Judson during the trying period of the past year and of the appointment of Dean Judson as Acting President of the University, and further that the Senate as a body and its members as individuals will give to Mr. Judson hearty and earnest co-operation in every possible way. No committee on the nomination of a President was appointed for more than a year. Meantime the work of the University went on with increasing prosperity. The attendance of students in the Summer Quarter of 1906 was greater than ever before. The Nominating Committee was finally appointed February 15, 1907. The Committee had a number of eminent men suggested to it. But Dr. Judson had conducted the affairs of the University with such wisdom, ability, and success that his election was a logical necessity of the situation. One week after its appointment the Committee submitted the following report: Your Committee appointed to nominate a President of the University respectfully report: That the Committee heartily and unanimously recom- mend to the Board that Mr. Harry Pratt Judson, now Acting President, be elected President of the University. Respectfully submitted, MARTIN A. RYERSON ANDREW MACLEISH E. M. BARTON A. C. BARTLETT JESSE A. BALDWIN On the submission of this report Judge Baldwin read a telegram from Trustee Frank O. Lowden strongly favoring Mr. Judson for Presi- dent. Mr. F. T. Gates expressed J. D. Rockefeller Jr.'s preference, and Mr. A. C. Bartlett reported a similar message from Charles L. Hutchinson. The roll being called on the motion that the report be adopted and Dr. Judson be elected President, the motion was adopted by a unanimous vote. Dr. Judson, having been called in to the Board room and advised of his election, made a brief address, accepting the position, and the business of the meeting