Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/554

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486 A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THE FACULTY OF THE FIRST YEAR, 1892-93 [From the first University Register. Those whose appointments did not take effect till after the end of the first year are omitted.] OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT AND INSTRUCTION 1 WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER, PH.D., D.D., President of the University, and Head Professor of the Semitic Languages and Literatures. EZEKIEL GILMAN ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Ethics and Apologetics. JAMES ROBINSON BOISE, PH.D., LL.D., S.T.D., Professor of New Testament Greek, Emeritus. GALUSHA ANDERSON, A.M., S.T.D., LL.D., Head Professor of Homiletics. GEORGE WASHINGTON NORTHRUP, D.D., LL.D., Head Professor of Systematic Theology. WILLIAM CLEAVER WILKINSON, D.D., Professor of Rhetoric and Criticism. WILLIAM IRELAND KNAPP, PH.D., LL.D., Head Professor of the Romance Languages and Literatures. ERI BAKER HULBERT, D.D., Head Professor of Church History, and Dean of the Divinity School. HERMANN EDOUARD VON HOLST, PH.D., Head Professor of History. THOMAS CHROWDER CHAMBERLIN, PH.D., LL.D., Head Professor of Geology, and Dean in the College of Science. CHARLES O. WHITMAN, PH.D., Head Professor of Biology and Professor of Animal Morphology. RICHARD GREEN MOULTON, PH.D., University Extension Professor of English Literature. WILLIAM GARDNER HALE, A.B., Head Professor of Latin. HARRY PRATT JUDSON, A.M., Professor of Political Science and Constitutional History, and Head Dean of the Colleges. CHARLES CHANDLER, A.M., Professor of Latin. EMIL G. HIRSCH, PH.D., Professor of Rabbinical Literature and Philosophy. THOMAS J. LAWRENCE, A.M., LL.D., University Extension Professor of History and International Law. CARL G. LAGERGREN, A.M., B.D., Professor (in the Swedish Division) of Systematic Theology and Pastoral Duties. J. LAURENCE LAUGHLIN, PH.D., Head Professor of Political Economy. ALBERT A. MICHELSON, PH.D., Head Professor of Physics. ERNEST D. BURTON, A.B., Head Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis. ALICE FREEMAN PALMER, PH.D., L.H.D., Professor of History, and Dean (of women) in the Graduate School and the Colleges. ALBION W. SMALL, PH.D., Head Professor of Social Science, and Director of the Affiliated Work. 1 With the exception of the President, the names in each group are arranged in the order of collegiate seniority.