Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/585

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INDEX 517 Rockefeller, John D. Continued also American Baptist Education Society; Buildings of University; Gates, F. T.; Goodspeed, T. W.; Harper, W. R.; Law School; Morgan Park Theological Seminary; Pension Fund; Rush Medical College; Strong, A. H.; University of Chicago. Rockefeller, John D., Jr.: proposal by, to erect a library building as a memorial to W. R. Harper, 423; service as trustee, 468; visit of, to campus, 421. Roosevelt, Theodore, conferring of honorary degree of Doctor of Laws on, 35- Rosenberger, Jesse L. (Mr. and Mrs.), gifts of, 323. Rosenwald, Julius: election of, as trustee, 469; gifts by, 274, 434. See also Buildings of University (s.v. Rosenwald Hall). Ruling Bodies, later modifications in plans of W. R. Harper for, 150. Rush Medical College: affiliation of, with University, 331; Board of Trus- tees of, 1915-16, 503. See also Medi- cine, School of; University of Chicago. Rust, Henry A.: business manager and comptroller, 382; comptroller of Uni- versity, 283; member of first Board of Trustees, 95 ; suggestion of, to form Committee on Expenditures, 285-86. Ryder (Universalist) Divinity House, 363; Board of Directors of, 501. Ryerspn, Martin A.: address of, at dedication of Yerkes Observatory, 310; attitude of, toward enlarging site of University, 171; contributions of, to Department of Physics, 240; gifts to University by, 236-37, 271, 273, 276, 2 97 336; member of first Board of Trustees, 95; president of Board of Trustees, 95; Ryerson Physical Lab- oratory, gift of, by, 236-37; services of, to University, 273. See also Buildings of University (s.v. Ryerson Physical Laboratory) . Ryerson, Mrs. Martin, contribution of, toward erection of a hall for women, 313. See also Kelly, Elizabeth G.; Buildings of University (s.v. Green Hall). St. Luke's Hospital, founding of, 13. Salisbury, Rollin D., appointment of, on faculty, 212; Dean of Ogden Graduate School of Science, 374. Sanders, Frank K., characterization of W. R. Harper by, 104. Satterlee, Le Roy, professor at Old Uni- versity, 14. Scammon, J. Young, member of Board of Trustees of Old University, 328. Scammon, Mrs. J. Young, gift of, 328. School of Commerce and Administration. See University of Chicago s.v. School of Education. See Buildings of University; University of Chicago. School Review, establishment of, 320. See also University Press. Schools, the. See University of Chicago. Scott, Robert L., service of, as trustee, 469. Secret societies. See Greek-Letter So- cieties; University of Chicago. Selz, Morris, assistance of, in early cam- paign for funds, 87. Semitic Languages and Literatures, Ameri- can Journal of, establishment of, 320, 364. See also Hebraica; University Press. Senate. See University of Chicago. Senior College. See University of Chicago. Shepardson, F. W., 249; indebtedness of author to, acknowledged, x; sec- retary to President Harper, x. Shorey, Daniel L.: attention of, to campus and site, 248; member of first Board of Trustees, 95; service of, as trustee, 468. Shorey, Paul, motto of coat-of-anns and seal, owed to, 467. Sinai Congregation, gift of, 278. Small, Albion W.: Dean of Graduate School of Arts and Literature, 374; first Head of Graduate House, 266; indebtedness of author to, acknowl- edged, xi; selection of, as Head Pro- fessor of Social Science, 206, 208. Smith, Frederick A.: member of first Board of Trustees, and second vice- president of Board, 95; service of, as trustee, 469. Smith, Justin A.: connection of, with continuation of preparatory-school work, after closing of University, 31; editor of the Standard, 31; recording secretary of first Board of Trustees, 96.