Page:A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).djvu/141

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theſe often ſuffered, and were infected on board as much as on Shore.

As the richer Sort got into Ships, ſo the lower Rank got into Hoys, Smacks, Lighters, and Fiſhing boats; and many, eſpecially Watermen, lay in their Boats; but thoſe made ſad Work of it, eſpecially the latter, for going about for Proviſion, and perhaps to get their Subſiſtence, the Infection got in among them and made a fearful Havock; many of the Watermen died alone in their Wherries, as they rid at their Roads, as well above-Bridge as below, and were not found ſometimes till they were not in Condition for any Body to touch or come near them.

Indeed the Diſtreſs of the People at this Sea-faring End of the Town was very deplorable, and deſerved the greateſt Commiſeration: But alas! this was a a Time when every one’s private Safety lay ſo near them, that they had no Room to pity the Diſtreſſes of others; for every one had Death, as it were, at his Door, and many even to their Families, and knew not what to do, or whither to fly.

This, I ſay, took away all Compaſſion; ſelf Preſervation indeed appear’d here to be the firſt Law. For the Children ran away from their Parents, as they lauguiſhed in the utmoſt Diſtreſs: And in ſome Places, tho’ not ſo frequent as the other, Parents did the like to their Children; nay, ſome dreadful Examples there were, and particularly two in one Week of diſtreſſed Mothers, raveing and diſtracted, killing their own Children; one whereof was not far off from where I dwelt; the poor lunatick Creature not living herſelf long enough to be ſenſible of the Sin of what ſhe had done, much leſs to be puniſh’d for it.

It is not indeed to be wondred at, for the Danger of immediate Death to ourſelves, took away all Bowels of Love, all Concern for one another: I ſpeak in general, for there were many Inſtances of immovable Affection, Pity, and Duty in many, and ſome that came to my Knowledg; that is to ſay, by here-ſay:

For I ſhall not take upon me to vouch the Truth of the Particulars.