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The Sierra Morena and the Redwood Forest of San Mateo and Santa Cruz.—The Sportsman's Paradise.—Looking back at the Golden City.—Yesterday and To-day.—Along the Bay of San Francisco.—The Valley of San Andreas.—Harry Linden's Speculation in Oats.—Good Resolutions and what came of them.—A Dream of Tropic Life.—An Evening on the Mountains.—A Scene of Wonderful Beauty.—The Avalanche from the Pacific.—Descending the Mountain by Moonlight.—The End of my Pasear.

Stretching away southward from the Golden Gate, at the northern point of the peninsula of San Francisco, through San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego Counties, in Alta California, and thence on down through the entire peninsula of Lower California to Cape St. Lucas, on the border of the tropics, is an almost unbroken range of mountains, known at different points by different names, and presenting the wildest variety of scenery to be found in any mountain range in North America.
