Page:A Little Pretty Pocket-book.djvu/110

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4 Offer not to carve for thyself, or to take any Thing, though it be that which thou dost greatly desire.
5 Ask not for any Thing, but tarry until it be offered thee.
6 Find no Fault with any Thing that is given thee.
7 When thou hast Meat given thee, be not the first that begins to eat.
8 Speak not at the Table; if thy Superiours be discoursing, meddle not with the Matter; but be silent, except thou art spoken unto.
9 If thou wantest any Thing from the Servants, call to them softly.
10 Eat not too fast, or with greedy Behaviour.
11 Eat not too much, but moderately.
12 Eat not so slow as to make others wait for thee.
13 Make not a Noise with thy Tongue, Mouth, Lips or Breath, in eating or drinking.
14 Stare not in the Face of any one, especially thy Superiours, at the Table.