Page:A Mainsail Haul - Masefield - 1913.djvu/168

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prayer first, and then stuck herself, so that she fell dead. That was in one of the top chambers. It's all fallen in now, this long time; but that was where she killed herself. And when Carr knew that there had been a dragon-man, he looked at the child, and he knew it for a dragon-child, because its ears was pointed, so he took it up and swung it against the tower wall, against these corner stones, until he had it killed. Then he went down the strand yonder, to that point of rocks below my cabin, and there he drowned himself. That's why the point is called Carr's Point, to this day. He was the last man to live in the castle here. No one would ever live in it after that, and the floors fell in, and the wood-work was taken; and now there's the ivy on it."