Page:A Menina do Narizinho Arrebitado (1920).pdf/46

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— Good! He exclaimed. The tyrant is now dead! I'll go there now and tear his liver out with my own nails. And rubbing his hands together, he ran into the palace. He saw the prince's bedroom window open and went up the stairs that the others had left. When he reached the last step, he jumped into the room. But before he reached the floor, he felt a pain in his chest. Ouch! Ouch! He shouted. It was the prince who had struck him in the air with his terrible sword.

— Wretch! Here, for the just punishment of your disloyalty!" said the prince, cutting off his head with another stroke of his sword. The captain's body convulsed on the carpet for a few moments, next to his head, whose eyes were etched with astonishment at the unforeseen outcome of the conspiracy.

The prince, sheathing his sword, summoned some loyal soldiers to bring out the cage with the three traitors.

— Put the Scorpion inside with these traitors, tie a large stone on top of the cage and throw it into the lake.

The guards did so and the monster, instead of marrying Narizinho and ascending to a throne, went into a watery grave...

— Well done! Said the girl when she heard about the punishment. So may the whole race of traitors die! And she ran to congratulate the victorious prince, who hugged her and kissed her on the forehead, moved.