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1799, Lady Charlotte Matilda Bruce, only surviving daughter of the Earl of Elgin; and, secondly, 16 Oct. 1817, Anne Isabella, only daughter and heir of the late Sir John Henderson, Bart., of Fordel, co. Fife. He again became a widower in 1844.

DUTHY. (Commander, 1841.)

Peter Duthy entered the Navy 14 March, 1812; and passed his examination in 1819. He afterwards served in the Burmese war, and drew forth the highest encomiums of Capt. Thos. Alexander for his unwearied exertions in command of a boat during the long and laborious siege which preceded the fall of the strong fortress of Donoobew, in April, 1825.[1] He became Acting-Lieutenant, 4 Aug. 1826, of the Dartmouth 46, but, leaving that frigate soon after his official promotion, which took place 1 Nov. following, did not again go afloat until 24 July, 1833, when he was appointed First-Lieutenant of the Wasp 16, Capts. Jas. Burney and John Sam. Foreman, on the North America and West India station. He subsequently joined – 4 May, 1834, the Sapphire 28, Capt. Hon. Geo. Rolle Walpole Trefusis, with whom he returned home – 25 Oct. 1834, the Vernon 50, commanded in the Mediterranean by Capt. John M‘Kerlie – 2 Sept. 1837, as Senior Lieutenant, the Donegal 78, bearing the flag off Lisbon of Sir John Acworth Ommanney – and, 1 Oct. 1840, in a similar capacity, the Britannia 120, flag-ship of the same officer in the Mediterranean. Since his attainment of his present rank, 23 Nov. 1841, Commander Duthy has been on half-pay. Agent – J. Hinxman.

DUTTON. (Lieut., 1811. f-p., 13; h-p., 35.)

Benjamin Dutton entered the Navy, 24 Oct. 1799, as A.E., on board the Anacreon brig, Lieut.Commander John Guyon; as Midshipman of which vessel, we find him present, the year following, in an action with a French brig and cutter-of-war off St. Valery. Between Oct. 1802, and Aug. 1808, he served in the Charger and Aggressor gun-brigs, Lieut.-Commanders Reede, Blow, and Watson, on the Home and Baltic stations. He then in succession became Acting Sub-Lieutenant of the gun-brigs Brevdrageren and Centinel, Lieut.-Commanders Dennis and King, and in the latter vessel assisted, in 1808, in beating off a whole Danish flotilla. In Aug. 1811 Mr, Dutton was appointed Acting-Lieutenant of the Dictator 64, Capts. Robt. Williams and Jas. Pattison Stewart, and, being confirmed to that ship by commission dated 19 Nov. in the same year, was subsequently, on 6 July, 1812, present, in company’ with the Calypso 18, Podargus 14, and Flamer gun-brig, at the gallant capture and destruction, within the rocks of Mardoe, on the coast of Norway, of an entire squadron, consisting of the Nayaden of 48 guns, the Laland, Samsoe and Kiel sloops, and several gun-boats, after a long conflict which occasioned the Dictator a loss of 5 men killed and 24 wounded, and the Danes of 300 killed and wounded. This officer – whose next appointment was, 25 Oct. 1813, to the Urgent 14, Capt. Gamaliel Fitzmaurice, on the Channel station – invalided 9 May, 1814. He has not since been employed.

DUTTON. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 8; h-p., 31.)

Thomas Dutton entered the Navy, 30 July, 1808, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Sheldrake, Capt. John Thicknesse. From March, 1809, until Jan. 1814, he officiated as Midshipman, chiefly on the Home station, of the same vessel, and of the Adamant 50, bearing the flag of Vice-Admirals Sir Edm. Nagle and Wm. Albany Otway, the Forward gun-brig, Lieut.-Commander Rich. Banks, the Nightingale sloop, Capt. Christ. Nixon, the Thisbe 28, flag-ship of Hon. Arthur Kaye Legge, and the Hebrus 36, Capt. Edm. Palmer. On leaving the latter frigate Mr. Dutton became successively attached to the Asia 74, and Tonnant 80, flag-ships of Sir Alex. Cochrane, whom he acoompanied In the expedition against New Orleans. He was appointed Acting-Lieutenant, in April, 1815, of the Levant 20, Capt. John Sheridan, employed for some time in the West Indies. Since he was paid off from that ship, in Nov. 1815, Lieut. Dutton, who had been officially promoted on 13 of the previous June, has been on half-pay. Agents – Goode and Lawrence.

DUVAL. (Commander, 1814. f-p., 15; h-p., 33.)

Francis Duval entered the Navy, in 1799, as A.B., on board the Zealous 74, Capt. Sam. Hood, and on removing, as Midshipman, to the Andromeda 32, Capt. Henry Inman, was present in an attack made on a French squadron in Dunkerque Roads, 7 July, 1800. After serving for two years with Capts. Inman and Rich. Dacres, in La Désirée frigate, a prize taken on that occcasion, he joined the Blenheim 74, bearing the broad pendant in the West Indies of his old Captain, Commodore Hood; on his successive transference from which ship to the Cvane and Barbadoes, Capts. Murray Maxwell and Joseph Nourse, we find him co-operating, as Master’s Mate, in the reduction of Ste. Lucie, 22 June, 1803, and assisting at the capture of six privateers, carrying altogether 72 guns and 537 men. Between Oct. 1805, and Oct. 1806, Mr. Duval further served on board L’Athénienne 64, and Zealous 74, both commanded by Capt. John Giffard; for a wound he received in the former of which ships, while participating, we believe, in the defence of Gaeta, he was subsequently presented with a gratuity from the Patriotic Fund. He was promoted, from the Ocean 98, bearing the flag off Cadiz of Lord Collingwood, to an Acting-Lieutenancy, 13 May, 1807, in the Unité 36, Capt. Patrick Campbell, on the Mediterranean station, where he was confirmed 26 Nov. following. In the early part of 1808 he was placed in charge of a prize, which, after encountering much bad weather, foundered about 20 miles N.E. of Manopoli, in the Adriatic. Having reached that place in a small boat, he was made prisoner, sent to Naples, and there confined for a considerable time in the Castle of Carmine. He regained his liberty 30 Dec. 1813; and on 15 June, 1814, was advanced to his present rank. Commander Duval has not since been employed. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.

DWARRIS. (Lieut., 1817. f-p., 9; h-p., 30.)

William Henry Dwarris entered the Navy, 16 Dec. 1808, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Loire 38, Capts. Alex. Wilmot Schomberg and Thos. Brown; under the former of whom he assisted, as Midshipman, at the capture, 5 Jan. 1809, of the Hébé French corvette of 20 guns, and, afterwards, of the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe. We are informed that he was also for some time very actively employed in co-operation with the patriots on the coast of Galicia. In Nov. 1812 this officer joined the Salsette 36, Capts. Henry Hope and John Bowen. After an intermediate servitude in the East Indies he returned to England, in 1814, on board the Cornwallis 50, Capt. Stephen Thos. Digby. Towards the close of 1815 he became Admiralty Midshipman of the Alceste 38, Capt. Murray Maxwell, in which frigate we soon afterwards find him accompanying Lord Amherst in his embassy to China. He there removed, in July, 1816, to the Lyra brig, Capt. Basil Hall. Since his official promotion, which took place 5 Nov. 1817, Lieut. Dwarris, we believe, has been on half-pay.

DWYER. (Commander, 1842. f-p., 13; h-p., 30.)

Michael Dwyer entered the Navy, 17 Nov. 1804, as A.B., on board the Galgo sloop, Capt. Michael Dodd. From July, 1805, until the year 1812, he successively served, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Unité 36, Capt. Chas. Ogle, Queen 98, Capt. Fras. Pender, Zealous 74, Capts. John Giffard and Wm. Pierrepont, Bulwark 74, Capt.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1825, p. 2270.