Page:A New Survey of the West Indies or The English American his Travel by Sea and Land.djvu/40

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A New Survey

conveyed thither then to the parts aformentioned of America. First they are sent in the Ships that are bound for Nueva España and Mexico; and after they have rested two or three months in Mexico, they are sent to Acapulco, lying on the Mar del Zur, there they are Shipped in two great Caracks which yearly go and come richly laden with China, Japan, and all East India ware from Manila to Acapulco to enrich Mexico with far greater riches then any are sent by the North Sea from Spain. The Voiage from Acapulco thither, is longer then from Spain to Mexico, and easie and pleasant, though the return is far longer and most dangerous. The year of our Lord 1625. there were four Missions sent; the one of Franciscans to Yucatan, the other of Mercenarians to Mexico, the other two of Dominicans and Jesuites to Philippinas. At which time it was my fortune to reside among the Dominicans in Xerez in Andaluzia. The Popes Commissary for that Mission was Frier Matheo de la Villa, who having a Commission for thirty, and having gathered some 24 of them about Castilla and Madrid, sent them by degrees well stored with mony to Cales, to take up a convenient Lodging for himself and the rest of his crew till the time of the setting forth of the Indian Fleet. This Commissary named one Frier Antonio Calvo to be his substitute, and to visit the Cloisters of Andaluzia lying in his way; namely Cordova, Sevil, St. Lucas, and Xerez, to try if out of them he could make up his compleat number of thirty, which was after fully compleated. About the end of May came this worthy Calvo to Xirez, and in his Company one Antonio Melendez of the College of St. Gregory in Valladolid, with whom I had formerly near acquaintance. This Melendez greatly rejoiced when he had found me; and being well stocked with Indian Patacones, the first night of his coming invited me to his chamber to a stately Supper. The good Xerez Sack which was not spared, set my friend in such a heat of Zeal of Converting Japonians, that all his talk was of those parts never yet seen, and at least six thousand Leagues distant, Bacchus metamorphosed him from a Divine into an Orator, and made him a Cicero in parts of Rhetorical Eloquence. Nothing was omitted that might
