Page:A New Survey of the West Indies or The English American his Travel by Sea and Land.djvu/65

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Chap. VIH; of. the Weikfefe] ¡§3

As fooii as we came toihore, we found very folenm prepa- 

rations for .entertainment ; all the Town being refortéd to the Sea-fide, all the Prjefh and Canons óf the Cathedral Church, all the Religious Orders of the federal Convents (which ar$ there Dominicans, Francifcans , Merceriarians, and JefuicesJ being in a read i neis with their Croííes born befofétlieni, to ^uidethenew Viceroy oí Mexico* iñ'prpceííloñ to the chief Cathe-dral Church. The Fryers and ' Jefui res were quicker in going to land, than the great Don the ^farqueís de Scrralvb and his Lady. Some of them kiflecl the ground as KoTS in fheir opinion, for the Conversion of tliofe fadtahs to Chti- ftianky, who before had woriliipped Idols, and facrificed to pevils; others kneeled upon thek knees making íHórt prayers, iome to the Virgin Mary y others to fuch Saints as they beft áffe&ed J and fo betook themfelves to the places arid nations of thofeof their Profefííori. In the mean tí one, all the Can- nons playing both from Ships and Caille, landed the Vice- roy and his Lady, and all his Train, accompanied with Doh Martin de Carrillo the Vifiter- General for the ftrifyjetweéíi the Count of £jdve$xz Iaft Viceroy, and the ArcpfiTiop of ¡Mexico. The great Don and his Lady being placed tinder a Canopy of State, began the Te Detimio be fiing,wich rrmch Va- riety of mufical Inftruments, alt marching in Proceffion to the Cathedraljwherewith many Lights of burning Lamps,Torchés and Wax-candles, was to the view of alt, fet upon the High- Altar their God of Bread | to whorh all knees were bowed* i Prayer of Thapkfgiving fung , Holy water by a Pi eft fprinkled upon all the people, arid iafily, á Mais, with thiee rriefts, folemnly celebrated. This being ended, the Vice- roy was attended on by the Chief High-Juftice, named Al-

  • lde Major, by the Officers* of the Town, 5 feme Judges fene

Tom Mexico to that purpofe, apd all the Souldiers of the Ships and Town, unto his Lodging t The Fryers likewifé in Proceílíon, with their Crofs before them > were ¿ondufted to

heir feveral CÍoifters. Fryer CaWo prefented his Dominicans
o the Prior of theCloifterof St. Dminkk^ who entertain-

ed us very lovingly with fesae Sweet-méats, andever^ one muí aCjipcf the Indian drink? called Cbocolcttci whereof

