Page:A New Survey of the West Indies or The English American his Travel by Sea and Land.djvu/67

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Chaf.VHI. of the Weft-Tftfc; 'j V

whereof he prefently gave us a tafte,tuning his Guittarra, and finging to us fome Veries (as he faid, of his owncompofing) fome lovely Amaryllis^ adding fcandal to fcandal, loofnefs to ihercy; which it grieved fome of us to fee in a Superiour* who ihould have taught with words, and in his Life and Jonverfation , examples of Repentance and Mortification» S¡o fooner were our Sen íes of Hearing delighted well wich Vfufick, our Sight with the ob je&s of Gotten- Wool, Silk md Feather»work$ , but prefently our Prior caufed to be fought forth of all his ftore of Dainties, fuch variety as nighc likewifc relifh well and delight ourSenfe of Tailing, rhus as we were truly tranf ported from Europe to America^ o the World feemed truly to be altered, our Senfes changed rom what they were the nighc and day before,when we heard he hideous noife of the Mariners, hpifing-up Sails; when refaw the Deep, and Monfters of it 5 whet we tailed the linking water 5 when w,e frnelc the Tar and Pitch : But here /£ heard a quivering and trembling Voice, and Iqflrument fell tuned, we beheld Wealch and Riches, we tailed what fas fweer, andin the Sweet- rneatsirnek the Musk and Civit¿ therewith that Epicurean Prior had feafoned his Conferves* iere we broke up our Difcourfe and Páftim^s, defírous to 'alk abroad and take a view of the Town, having no more me than that and the next day today in it. Wccompaffed round that afternoon ¿ and found the iicuation of it 10 be ndy, except on the South-weft fide, where it is Mooriili round, and- full of (landing Begs; which with the great eats that; are there,- áuíc it to be a very unhealthy place: he number of Inhabitants may be three thouiatid , and nongil them fome very rich Merchants, fome worth two undred, fome three hundred, and fome four hundred thcti- rid Ducats,; Of the Buildings little we obierved, for they e all,, both Houfes, Churches and Cloiikrs» built with oards and Timber, the Walls of the richéft.mans Hoirfe be» g made but of Boards, which with the impetuous Winds orrr' the Ñorth 5 hath been the caufe that many.iifroesLthe own. fcach been for the moil part of it burnt down m the * mtíé, The pm Trading from tMcxko* and by Mexico

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