Page:A New Survey of the West Indies or The English American his Travel by Sea and Land.djvu/72

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|í :r /Néw Su^e) Chap, I}&

heartytiat already they thought themfelves better than the befl

&(hop$ in Spat», who though proud enough, yet never travel

there with fuch publick Acclamations as we did. The Wait*

and Trumpets founded again before us, and the chief of the

Town conduced üs a mile forward, and fo took their leaves,

The firft two days we lodged but in poor fmall IndianTownSi

among wiom weft ill found kind Entertainment, and good

flore of Provifion, efpeciallyof Hens, Capons, Turkeys, and

(everal forts of Fruits, The third day at night we came to a

great Town, confining of near two thoufand Inhabitants,

fome Spaniards, fome Indians > called , Xalappa de la Vtr*

Crux, This Town in the year, 1 63 4. was made a new Bi

¿hops See (the Biflioprick of the City, called, La Puebla di

los &séngc!eS)hún% divided into two) and this being not abov<

the third part of it, 'is thought to be worth Ten thoufand

Ducats a year. It ftands in a very fertile Soil for Indlat

Wheat, called ñféxsfünA íomzSpamfh Wheat. There are

inariy Towns about it of Indians^ but what makes it rid

are the many Farms of Sugar, and fome which they caí

¡Eftantiasi rich Farms for breeding of Mules and Cattel ; and

likewife Come Farms of CoMnlU In this Town there is bui

one great Church, and an inferiour Chappel, both belonging

to a Cloifter of Erancifcaa Friers, wherein we were lodgec

ehat night, and the next day, being/the Lord h Day. Thougl

the Revenues of this Gioifter be great, yet it maintains ne>

above half a dozen Frierfy where twenty might be plentiful!;

piaintakedi thacfo thofe few Lubbers might be more abun

dandy, and like Epicures, fed and naariflied. The Supe

sriour or Guardian of this Cloifter, was no lefs vain than th

Prior of ¡St, John de Vlkua$ and though he were not of ou

- Profeffion, yec he welcomed us with (lately Entertainment

Here, and wherefoeverfanher we travelled, we ft ill found if

the Pdefts and Friers loofnefs of life, and their ways anc

It ceedings contrary to the ways of their profeffion, f worn t<

by a íolemnVpív and Covenant. This Order efpecially of th¡

Mendicant Erancifcan Friers voweth (bebdes Chaftuy an<

Obedience) Poverty more ftriéUy to beobferved, than an;

tther Order of the &mi¡h Church ; for their Clothing ough