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A New Survey
Chap. X.

ed brave, and a matter determined to be done, as fome had told him (whom he took Priioners) who likewife certified that the Tlaxcaltecas were joyned together, to the number of a hundred and fifty thoufand men to give battel the next day following, and to fwallow up alive the Spaniards whom io mortally they did hate, thinking them to be friends un- to the Emperor CMontez,uma % unto whom they wifhed all evil and mifchief. Their intent was therefore with all their whole power to apprehend the bearded men, and to make of them a more folemn Sacrifice unto their Gods than at any time they had done, with a general Banquet of their fleili, which they called CelefliaL The Captains of 77 xcallm divided their Soulidiers into four Battels, the one to Tepeticpac , another to Ocotelnlco) the third to Tiz,atlan 3 and the fourth to Quiahuiztlan % chatis to fay, the men of the Mountains, the menor the Lime-pits, the men of the Pine-trees, and the Watermen: All thefe four forts of men did make the Body of the Com- monwealth of TLxcalLn, and commanded both m time of War and Peace. Every of thefe Captains had his juft por- tion or number of Warriers, but the General of ail trie whole -Army was called Xuotencal , who was of the Lime-pits £ and he had the Standard of the Commonwealth, which is a Crane of Gold with his wings fpread, adorned with Emeralds and Silver-work: Which Standard was, according to the r ufe, either carried before the whole Hoi}, or clfc behind them all. The Lieutenant General of the Army was /fcf . x.xc4*,in , and the number of the whole Army was a hundred and fifty thoufand men. Such a great number they had ready againft four hundred Spaniards^ and feven hundred Indians of Ze'm* pB4Üan and Zaclotan y and yet at length overcome; and after this fight, they were the grcateft Friends that Cor^s, had in thofe parts againft Montezuma. Thefe Captainscame with their Companies, that the fields where they were feemed a Porrcft. They were gallant Fellows, and well armed, accord- ing to their ufe, although they were painted, io that their faces fheued like Devils, with great tuffs of Feathers, and ihey boafted gallantly. Their Weapons and Armor were