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'We seem of late to have fallen into a state of moral flaccidity under which we shrink from doing anything that looks unpleasant, however vital it may be to the interests or the stability of society. It is high time that some one administered a sharp electric shock to our enfeebled nerves.'
St James's Gazette, Sept. 21st 1887.

'I make pretence of no great aim;
My thoughts fell from me as I went:
If they be thoughts in you, content
Am I, I make no bid for fame.'

The Author of 'Moods.

'I must either be silent or speak on the whole truth.'
Matzini's 'Faith and the Future.'

'The diseases of Society can, no more than corporal maladies, be prevented or cured without being spoken about in plain language.'
John Stewart Mill.

'To virtue only and her friends a friend.
The world beside may censure, or commend.'

Alexander Pope.