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in future? At the end of this lesson we will say three Our Fathersfor the conversion of sinners.

Detest and fear sin, especially sins of impurity. Set hell before your eyes, think of its horrible torments, and carefully avoid all temptations to such sins. Say thus: “What will the whole world profit me, if I follow my own inclinations, and suffer eternally in hell!”

Chapter XIII.


[Gen. 21.]

SARA gave birth to a son, as the Lord had promised. He was named Isaac, and circumcised on the eighth day. Abraham loved this son very tenderly, and the Lord wished to see whether he loved his son more than God. When the boy had grown up[1], the Lord said to Abraham: “Take thy only-begotten son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and go into the land of vision, and there thou shalt offer him[2] for a holocaust[3] upon one of the mountains which I will show thee.” Abraham instantly[4] arose, and by night saddled his ass, taking with him two young men, and Isaac, his son. And when he had cut the wood for the holocaust, he went to the place which God had shown him. On the third day he came in sight of Mount Moria, where he was to sacrifice his son; and he said to the servants: “Stay you here with the ass; I and the boy will go with speed as far as yonder, and, after we have worshipped[5], will return to you.” Then he took the wood for the holocaust, and laid it upon the shoulders of Isaac. He himself carried in his hands fire[6] and a sword. As they went along, Isaac said: “My father.” And Abraham

  1. Grown up. He was perhaps about twenty or twenty-five years old.
  2. Offer him. Almighty God wished to prove whether his faith were firm and living, and if he really loved Him above all things.
  3. Holocaust. In that kind of sacrifice the victim had to be first killed, and then wholly burnt.
  4. Instantly. Abraham obeyed immediately, although the required sacrifice tore his heart. Since the destruction of Sodom he had lived at Bersabee which lay to the south of Hebron. From Bersabee to Mount Moria, which was near Salem, was about twenty-five miles. It was on this mountain that, in after years, king Solomon built his splendid Temple.
  5. Worshipped, i. e. when they had offered their sacrifice in worship of God.
  6. Fire. i. e. red hot coals in a vessel.