Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/12

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I have perused Dr. Knecht’s “Commentary” with much pleasure, interest, and profit. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it to be a most useful handbook for teachers and priest, and to supply a want in English Catholic literature. No doubt, Bible History, bearing as it does on the doctrines of faith, is capable of rendering most valuable service to the teacher of Religion, as proof, illustration, and expansion of doctrinal truth. It becomes an object-lesson, nay a pictorial catechism, setting forth the isolated texts of Scripture found in the Catechism in the full light of their context and surroundings, exhibiting religious truth in its practical bearing on the varied states and conditions of life. To effect all this, it must be read not as a mere story-book, but in close connection with the Catechism, hand in hand with it—Catechism being the guide and Bible History the handmaid. Dr. Knecht’s “Commentary” seems to have been composed with such objects in view, and hence I feel sure of its receiving a most hearty welcome in English-speaking countries, and of its proving to be of the greatest service to priest and catechist by pointing out so ably the bearing of the Bible History on faith and morals. Catholics need more than esteem and love for the Holy Scriptures—they should know how to use them to the best practical advantage; and Dr. Knecht’s work is a valuable aid in that direction. I expect it will have a wide circulation, and I should like to see it in the hands of all my priests and teachers, to whose notice I shall bring it by an official channel.

St. Mary’s Cathedral, Wellington, N. Z., August 31. 1894.


I hope Dr. Knecht’s Commentary on Holy Scripture may meet a wide and ready sale. I am sure it will be found most useful in Catholic families and schools.

Wexford, August 11. 1894.


I beg to assure you that I shall bring Dr. Knecht’s “Practical Commentary” under the favourable notice of the Clergy of Cashel, at the earliest opportunity that offers.

The Palace, Thurles, August 9. 1894.

✝ J. W. CROKE,

The plan of Dr. Knecht’s “Practical Commentary” seems excellent, and the execution no less so. Whatever system may be adopted by the individual Catechist, he cannot fail to find this Scripture Narrative and Commentary of great practical utility. I shall be very happy to recommend it to my clergy.

42, Greenhill Gardens, Edinburgh, August 9. 1894.