Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/125

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before him. But Esau, rejoicing to see his brother Jacob, ran to meet him and embraced him with many tears. Then, perceiving the children, he asked: “Whose are those?” Jacob replied: “They are the children which God hath given me.” And, making a sign to them, they all advanced, and bowed down before Esau. Jacob then presented Esau with several flocks. But Esau refused them, saying: “I have plenty, my brother; keep what is thine for thyself!” Jacob insisted, and said: “I beseech thee, take the blessing which

Fig. 10. Rachel’s Tomb near Bethlehem. (Phot. Bonfils.).

God hath given me!” Then Esau yielded[1] to his prayer, and Jacob, full of gratitude for the protection of God, continued his journey, and arrived in the land of Chanaan. He came to Salem, a city of the Sichemites, where he bought a field; and then, mindful of his vow, he repaired to Bethel to offer sacrifice to the Lord. Thence he went south to Hebron, where his aged father lived. On the way (near Bethlehem) his wife Rachel, died after having given birth to Jacob’s youngest son Benoni or Benjamin (Fig. 10).

  1. Yielded. By this acceptance of gifts, the reconciliation was finally sealed.