Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/212

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Holy virgins, as well as the Levites, were employed in the service of the Tabernacle and, later on, of the Temple. They attended to the linen &c., and served the Lord with prayer and fasting. Tradition tells us that Mary, the Mother of God, was dedicated to the service of the Temple at a very early age.

Application. Thank God for the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and assist regularly and devoutly at it. There you can receive priceless gifts, for the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the source of all grace.

Keep the Feasts of the Church, devoutly contemplating the sacred mysteries of our redemption, and avoid extravagant amusements on those days: “Rejoice in the Lord” (Phil. 4, 4).

Have great reverence for the priesthood. Priests are the “ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries of God” (1 Cor. 4, 1). We should always pray that there may be good priests in the Church.

Chapter XL.


[Numb. 13.]

IN the second year after their departure from Egypt, the Israelites set out[1] from Mount Sinai, and pursued their march[2] to the desert of Pharan. Thence Moses sent twelve men, one of every tribe, to explore the Land of Chanaan. He said to them: “Go and view the land, whether it be good or bad; and the people, whether they be strong or weak; and the cities, whether they be walled or without walls.” So the men went out and viewed the land, entering at the south side and arriving at Hebron. Thence they proceeded as far as the torrent of the cluster of grapes. Here they cut off a branch with its cluster of grapes, and the men carried it upon a pole[3]. After forty days they returned bringing

  1. Set out. After they had passed a year in the neighbourhood of Mount Sinai.
  2. Their march. The pillar of cloud moved on, and the Israelites followed it. They stopped at Cades (see map). They could now have marched straight into Chanaan, but as the people were so timid, and trusted so little in God, it was first necessary to send some spies to find out whether the inhabitants were strong and numerous, and whether the cities were fortified &c. Moses chose a leading man out of each tribe; therefore, twelve in all, and sent them into Chanaan.
  3. Upon a pole. At this present time there grow bunches of grapes in those parts 24 inches long and weighing 12 lbs.