Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/247

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and a capital sin, and brings shame and disgrace in its train. Ruth was also retiring, modest and pure; the whole town testified to her being a virtuous woman. God rewarded her virtue by giving her a good and wealthy husband, and by making her the great-grandmother of king David and (because Christ was of the family of David) one of the ancestors of the Divine Redeemer.

Booz loved his neighbour, and had compassion on the poor. He behaved very nobly in taking Ruth as his wife in spite of her poverty: he very rightly valued Ruth’s virtues more highly than gold and riches. God rewarded him, for He gave him a most virtuous wife, and blessed his marriage, so that he became one of the forefathers of the Messias.

Ruth is a type of the Church of the Gentiles. Though born a heathen she obtained by her conversion a share in the blessings of Israel, and was even chosen to be an ancestress of the Redeemer. By this God signified that the heathen, if they would believe and be converted, should have a share in the salvation which was to spring from Israel.

Application. Ruth brought joy and honour to her mother-in-law. Do you cause joy to your parents? Have you never brought shame on them or caused them grief?

Be kind and generous to the poor. Do not look down on poor children. Do you not give preference among your friends to the children of rich parents? A man’s worth does not consist in what he has, but in what he is. Virtues such as faith, charity, diligence, modesty, truth and humility are the greatest of riches: everything perishes except virtue. God looks to the heart, not to the outward appearance or wealth. He who is without faith is the poorest of men, never mind how much money he may possess. Are these your sentiments? Do you like associating with good children ?

Are you diligent from morning till night, as Ruth was?

Chapter XLVIII.


[1 Kings 1 — 7]

IN the days when Heli[1], the High Priest, was Judge in Israel, there lived at Mount Ephraim a virtuous man, called Elcana, and the name of his wife was Anna. Now Anna had no children. She therefore multiplied her prayers before the Lord that He

  1. Heli. Heli, of the family of Aaron, was High Priest, and was also at this time Judge. He, therefore, combined in his person the highest spiritual and the highest temporal authority.