Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/266

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and they that fear the Lord shall find him” (Ecclus. 6, 15. 16). True friendship can only exist between good people. He who is not faithful to God and does not love and fear Him, will only be faithful to his friend as long as he hopes to gain something by his friendship. Friendship and intercourse with the good exercise an ennobling and elevating influence, but intercourse with the wicked is a great source of danger both to faith and morals. “Evil communications corrupt good manners.”

Application. You should be friendly with all your schoolfellows, but make friends of the good only. How has it been with you hitherto? Have you taken pleasure in being with bad companions? Many a good child has been corrupted and led into committing grievous sins by associating and making friends with bad children. Therefore, form friendships with only good and well-behaved children, and avoid anything like intimacy with bad children.

Chapter LIII.


[1 Kings 23 — 26; 31; 2 Kings 1.]

DAVID seeing that he could no longer live in safety near Saul, fled to the mountains of Juda. Even there death threatened him on every side, but his courage never forsook him. He consoled himself with the thought that he who places himself under the protection of God, is in safety everywhere, and has nothing to fear. His trust in God was rewarded.

Now the men of Ziph came to Saul and said: “Behold, David is hid in the hill which is over against the wilderness.” Immediately Saul arose, having with him three thousand chosen men, and encamped in the way of the wilderness. As soon as David had heard that Saul had come after him, he sent out spies to see where the king had pitched his tents. David, on learning where Saul was, arose and came secretly to the camp of his enemy.

And David said to his followers: “Who will go down with me into the camp of Saul?” Abisai answered: “I will go with thee.” So David and Abisai came upon the tents by night, and found Saul sleeping on his couch, and his spear fixed in the ground near his head. Moreover all the soldiers were sleeping about. And Abisai said to David: “Now then, I will run thy enemy through with my spear, and there shall be no need of a second