Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/315

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not accused him or sentenced him to death! No, but Achab knew perfectly well that his wicked wife would use unlawful means to gain possession of the vineyard, and yet not only did he utter no word of protest, but consented to Jezabel’s writing a letter in his name and sealed it with his royal seal! Thus, by his silence, he consented to his wife’s wicked project. Neither did Jezabel kill Naboth with her own hands; but she commanded the ancients of the city to have him falsely accused and put to death. In this way she shared in the guilt of others by command and was guilty of murder.

Unlawful obedience. The ancients of the city ought not to have obeyed the royal command.

Covetousness. The source or root of all these sins we have been hearing about was covetousness. Achab’s desire to possess Naboth’s vineyard led to anger, bribery, injustice, murder and robbery. Covetousness or avarice is therefore one of the capital sins.

Inordinate desires make men unhappy, peevish and ill-tempered. Achab, not being able to gratify his longing for the vineyard, became sad and angry, and his very life was, as it were, darkened. Was not that silly and ridiculous?

Application. Have you ever taken anything that does not belong to you, such as fruit &c. ? Are you contented with what you have got? If the desire to have that which is unlawful seizes you, overcome it at once and think of the just God who hates and punishes injustice. He who is contented is happy, but he who is discontented lives a life of disquiet and is in great danger of sin and eternal damnation.

Chapter LXV.


[3 Kings 19. 4 Kings 1 — 12.]

AT one time Elias, being persecuted by Jezabel[1], fled into the desert [2]. He was very sad [3] and desired to die [4], for he thought all the Israelites had fallen into idolatry. Being fatigued,

  1. By Jezabel. Ever since the great miracle on Mount Carmel, Achab had not ventured to persecute the prophet of God; but Jezabel’s hatred of him had been intensified by the overthrow of the priests of Baal, and she now did all she could to seize the prophet and put him to death.
  2. The desert. To Bersabee, south of the kingdom of Juda.
  3. Sad. Because impiety had gained the upper hand, and the true religion was oppressed and persecuted.
  4. Die. So that he might no longer have to behold the triumph of vice and unbelief.