Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/344

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treasures can be taken away from us, and must inevitably be taken away by death, whereas our prayers and other meritorious works are real treasures which no one can take away, but which will go into eternity with us, and obtain for us a favourable judgment. Earthly treasures make it difficult to die, but heavenly treasures make it easy. Therefore our Divine Saviour says: “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (New Test. XXI).

The prayer of praise and thanksgiving. A great many men err by offering up only prayers of petition, quite neglecting either to praise or thank Almighty God. The Angel expressly urged Tobias to offer up prayers of praise and thanksgiving, and Tobias was in the habit of doing so.

The wings of prayer. Our prayers should be joined to fasting and alms-deeds, or in other words to works of self-denial and charity, fey this means they have greater power, are more pleasing to God, and are more surely heard. The holy Fathers say therefore: “Fasting and alms are the two wings with which our prayers fly to heaven.”

The sufferings of the just serve the double purpose of proving them and of increasing their merits. “Because thou wast acceptable to God, it was necessary that temptation should prove thee”, said the Angel to Tobias.

Great awe and veneration were experienced by both father and son when they discovered that an Angel of the Most High had appeared to them in the form of a man. “Being seized with fear they fell upon their faces on the ground.” How much more reverence ought we to feel each time we are in the presence of the most holy Sacrament, in which our Lord is really and personally present with His Divinity and sacred Humanity.

A good education produces good fruit for several generations. Tobias the younger, having received a good education from his father, brought up his own children in the fear of the Lord; and they too, in turn, brought up their children well. So it happened that the descendants of Tobias “continued in good life and in holy conversation, and thus were acceptable both to God and man”.

Application. Do you keep in mind that your holy guardian Angel is always with you? Do you commend yourself to his care, and obey his inspirations?

Do you take pains, like young Tobias, to be a joy to your parents, and to spare them anxiety and vexation? Do you return home as soon as you can, when you are sent out by them on an errand?