Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/353

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in order, for that he must die. The king, terrified at the thought of death, turned his face towards the Temple, and prayed with tears that God might prolong his life. God heard his prayer, and sent the prophet again to tell him that fifteen years should be added to his life. And so it came to pass; and at the end of the fifteen years he died, after a happy and prosperous reign, the reward of his fidelity to God.


The Justice of God. The holy king Ezechias was blessed by God, and saved from a great danger in the most wonderful way. On the other hand, the pride of Ozias was punished by a life-long illness; and all the other kings of Juda who were unfaithful to God were punished by Him in different ways.

In the hour of danger we ought to do as the pious king Ezechias did. He took every possible human precaution to defend Jerusalem, and then, full of confidence, humbly asked God’s protection. In the hour of need we, in the same way, ought to do all we can ourselves, though we must not depend on our own efforts for success, but humbly pray to God for help and deliverance. “Our help cometh from the Lord!”

The power of prayer. The marvellous help which was sent to Ezechias ought to prove to us the power and efficacy of fervent prayer.

Application. Have you always prayed with confidence? Very likely you have prayed for many things, and have not received them because you lacked confidence. Have more faith, for the future, when you pray, especially in times of trouble and spiritual need; and then you will certainly be heard.

Chapter LXXIV.



AFTER a brief season of repentance and of penance, the people of Juda again forgot the Lord. Then[1] God, in His anger, sent them a new and terrible punishment, which would have ended in the total destruction of their nation, had it not been for the heroic courage of a certain holy woman. At that

  1. Then. This was about the year 690, during the minority of Manasses.