Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/376

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gradually over the whole world, and, in spite of all her enemies, has endured to this day. It follows, therefore, that the Roman Catholic Church is the true Church, the kingdom of God, having its origin in heaven, and promised by God through His prophet Daniel.

God governs the world. This prophecy revealed Almighty God to Nabuchodonozor as the “Lord of kings”, or, in other words, as the Lord and ruler of the world, from whom all power comes (“The God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, and strength and power and glory”, said Daniel); by whom nations are overthrown, and raised up again.

The power of prayer said in common. It was only after Daniel and his three friends had prayed together fervently and confidently that the interpretation of the dream was revealed, and that, thereby, not only Daniel and his friends, but all the other wise men and soothsayers were saved from death. Our Lord has encouraged us to pray in common by giving us the promise: “If two of you shall consent upon earth concerning anything whatsoever they shall ask, it shall be done to them by my Father who is in heaven” (Mat. 18, 19).

Humility. Daniel was humble. He gave the glory to God, declaring to the king that it was from Him that the interpretation came. And because he was humble, God exalted him.

Anger, a capital sin. What induced Nabuchodonozor to issue the cruel edict that all the wise men and diviners in the kingdom were to be killed? He was angry at their not being able to do what he wished, and, in his violent anger, he gave the cruel order.

Despotism and cruelty of pagan kings. The command to kill all the diviners and wise men was unjust and cruel. It shows how despotically pagan kings governed, and how little regard they had for the lives of their subjects. Christianity put an end to that kind of cruelty, for it teaches that all men are equally made to the image of God, and that if kings do not govern according to the law of God, they will have to render an account to Him.

The Power and Mercy of God. The mighty miracle which God wrought in order to save His faithful servants, was a great act of mercy towards the heathen. He thereby revealed His power to the king, and to all the great men of the country, and showed that the very elements obey Him. Everybody could see that Bel, whom the young men despised, was powerless to hurt them, and that the God whom they worshipped was alone Almighty. The king confessed this when he issued the decree that the God of the three youths was the “Most High God, and more mighty than any other god.” He was seized by so great a fear of God, that he forbade any blasphemy against Him, under pain of death.