Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/451

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There was also in Jerusalem a prophetess[1] named Anna — a woman far advanced in years, who departed not from the Temple — by prayer and fasting serving the Lord night and day. She also coming in, and seeing the Child, gave praise to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all who were looking[2] for the Redemption of Israel. And when these things were accomplished in obedience to the law of God, Mary and Joseph, with the Divine Babe, returned to Galilee [3], to their own city of Nazareth, and dwelt there in peace.


The Faithfulness of God. By the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the prophecy of Aggeus (Old Test. LXXX) was fulfilled.

Jesus is the Messias. The Holy Ghost revealed Him as such to Simeon, who, full of joy, greeted Him as the Saviour of all men, and the Light of revelation to the Gentiles.

Jesus is God. Anna, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, testified to this, when she extolled the Child as “the Lord”, and joyfully announced that in this Child God had revealed Himself as the Redeemer.

Faith is a gift of God. It was only by the help of the Holy Ghost that Simeon and Anna were enabled to recognise in the Child Jesus the Divine Saviour of the whole world, of Gentiles as well as Jews.

Good works. Simeon and Anna obtained the great grace of faith in our Lord’s Divinity by a faithful observance of the law, by fasting and prayer, and a great inward desire for His coming.

Belief in Jesus Christ drives away all fear of death. Simeon now rejoiced at the prospect of death. Such a sensation was hitherto unknown in Israel. “Pious Israelites closed their eyes in death, weary of life and submissive to God’s will; not altogether hopeless, but full of horror of the future. Death was a thing to be feared, and each new day of life which was granted was looked on as a gain” (Grimm). But

  1. A prophetess. A person endowed by God with the gift of prophecy, and known as such to all the people. Therefore her testimony had greater weight with them than that of Simeon. Moreover, Anna was a woman of extraordinary virtue, her life being one of exceptional holiness and mortification.
  2. All who were looking. We can see by these words that many of the Jews were expecting the speedy advent of the Redeemer.
  3. Returned to Galilee. This does not mean that they returned at once; for a number of other events which St. Luke passes over come between, as the adoration of the Magi and the flight into Egypt mentioned by St. Matthew.