Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/453

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unto the Jews indeed a stumbling-block, and unto the Gentiles foolishness, but unto them that are called, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1, 23. 24). And this contradiction on the part of the unbelieving will continue till Christ comes again to judge the world.

The testimony of the Holy Ghost. There had been no prophets in Israel since Malachias; but as soon as the Messias had appeared, the gift of prophecy was richly bestowed on those who believed. Zachary, Elizabeth, Mary, Simeon and Anna, all proclaimed the goodness of God, who had given His only begotten Son for the salvation of the world. “For four hundred years the spirit of prophecy had been dumb in Israel: it was a long and dreary winter, but it was followed by the most glorious spring-tide! Song filled the air; for He had come whose name was Wonderful! The angel Gabriel, Mary, Zachary, Elizabeth, the angel who spoke to the shepherds, Simeon, and Anna basked in the ray of salvation which streamed down from heaven. Heaven itself streamed down with it \ and the sons of the earth lifted up their heads with a feeling of rapture, for the Prince of peace had come and reconciled earth to heaven! The great God, the 'Father of the world to come’ (Is. 9, 6) lay a little Babe in Mary’s arms” (Stolberg). Thus was the advent of Jesus Christ, the Divine Redeemer, borne witness to in various ways.

Application. Have you, like Mary, always observed the commandments of God with exactitude? Against which of the commandments have you most often sinned? You too were presented to God in your Baptism, and you ought to belong to Him, to love Him and serve Him. Say thus to yourself: “I will keep God’s commandments all the days of my life.”

Simeon thanked God with a full heart for having sent the Saviour. In what way do you thank Him for the unspeakable grace of Redemption ? You should thank Him every day of your life for the great gift of the Christian, Catholic faith.

Chapter VIII.


[Mat. 2, 1 — 12.]

NOW when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the days of king Herod, behold, there came three wise men[1], or Magi, from the East[2] to Jerusalem, saying: “Where is He that is born king

  1. Wise men. Men especially learned in the science of the stars. According to tradition, the three wise men were of high rank, and that is why they are often called the three kings.
  2. The East. From the land which lies towards where the sun rises. Probably they came from Babylon. In that part there was still preserved the memory of Balaam’s prophecy (Old Test. XLlll), that one day a star would rise in Judaea and that then the Redeemer, the heavenly king, would appear. This belief in a future Saviour had been rekindled in Babylon by the prophet Daniel, who was one of the wise men of his day.