Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/501

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unharmed[1]. A great fear[2] came upon all who witnessed this miracle, and they said one to another: “What word is this? For with authority and power He commandeth the unclean spirits, and they go out.”

From the synagogue Jesus went to the house of Simon Peter. It so happened that the mother-in-law of Peter was grievously sick[3], and Jesus was asked[4] to cure her. He drew near her bed, commanded the fever, and it left her. Immediately[5] she arose, cured of the fever, and waited on them as they sat at table.

When the sun was down[6], the sick and infirm[7] of the city were brought to Jesus, and He laid His hands upon them, and they were healed.

Early next morning He left Capharnaum and retired to a desert place[8]. But the people followed Him in crowds, beseeching Him not to leave them. He said to them: “I must preach the kingdom of God[9] in other places also; for therefore am I sent.”

  1. Unharmed. The devil was obliged to obey the command of Jesus and come out of the man; but, before he did so, he showed his spite against his victim by throwing him to the ground. His rage, however, was futile, for he could not hurt the man, and left him quite restored to himself.
  2. Great fear. A holy awe.
  3. Sick. Of fever.
  4. Asked. It was the disciples Simon and Andrew as well as James and John (these according to Mark I, 29 being also present), who made this petition. James, the brother of John, had therefore also become a disciple.
  5. Immediately. She prepared and served food for them. This shows that she had immediately recovered her full strength, whereas generally a person who has had a fever remains weak and exhausted for a long time.
  6. The sun was down. i. e. when the Sabbath was over. The Sabbath of the Jews began at sunset on Friday evening, and ended at sunset on Saturday. The Feasts began and ended in the same way.
  7. The sick and infirm. Besides those actually sick there were present those who carried them, as well as many of their friends and relations, who were attracted by curiosity. Picture the scene to yourselves — the sick moaning and crying for help, while those possessed by evil spirits raged and howled; and all present turning their eyes on Jesus, full of expectation and wonder whether He would be able to cure all who were there. Picture Jesus passing from one sick person to another, laying His Hand on each, and behold, each one was cured, whatsoever his malady!
  8. Desert place. On a neighbouring mountain.
  9. The kingdom of God. i. e. the message of salvation.