Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/603

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each of the two sisters was distinguished. From her childhood she had attended to “the one thing needful”; and for thirty years she ministered to our Lord’s personal wants, most wonderfully combining the active life with the contemplative life, working with her hands while her heart gazed on God. She was at the same time the Mother who had charge of her Son, and the disciple of that Son, treasuring all His words in her heart and imitating His life. On earth she chose the best part, and in heaven she attained to the best part, being crowned by her Divine Son as the Queen of all Saints. Hence we see why the Church has chosen this portion of Scripture for the Gospel on the Feast of our Lady's Assumption into heaven.

Application. Are you industrious as Martha was, and pious like Mary? Are not your thoughts dissipated all day long? Think often about God in the course of the day, and offer your actions to Him. Do everything with God and for God.

Chapter XLIV.


[John 10, 11 — 16. Luke 15, 1 — 10]

JESUS having come to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles, went to the Temple and taught there, saying: “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his life[1] for his sheep. But the hireling[2], and he that is not the shepherd, seeth the wolf coming, and fleeth. I am the Good Shepherd, and I know mine, and mine know Me, and I lay down My life for My sheep. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold[3]; them also I must bring[4], and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.”

On another occasion[5] when the proud and conceited Pharisees complained because Jesus dealt kindly with publicans and sinners, He spoke to them this parable[6]: “What man among, you that

  1. Giveth his life. i. e. the sure sign by which a good shepherd can be known is that he is ready to lay down his life for his sheep.
  2. The hireling. A man hired for wages to look after the sheep, and to whom, therefore, the sheep do not belong.
  3. Not of this fold. Who do not belong to the people of Israel, i. e. the Gentiles.
  4. I must bring. Into My fold.
  5. Another occasion. Cf. Luke 15, 1 — 10. Mat. 18, II — 14.
  6. This parable was meant to show the love which the Good Shepherd has for individual sheep of his flock who go astray.