Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/638

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not understand what He meant, He told them plainly: “Lazarus is dead. And I am glad for your sakes[1] that I was not there, that you may believe; but let us go to him.”

When Jesus arrived in Bethania Lazarus had been four days[2] buried. Now many friends and relatives had come to console the two sisters, who were in great affliction. As soon as Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she left her friends and went forth to meet Him. When she saw Him she exclaimed: “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But now also[3] I know that whatsoever Thou wilt ask[4] of God, God will give it to Thee.”

Jesus said to her: “Thy brother shall rise again.” Martha replied: “I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Jesus answered: “I am[5] the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in Me, although he be dead, shall live[6]. Believest thou this?” She said to Him: “Yea, Lord[7], I have believed that Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God [8], who art come into this world.”

  1. Your sakes. Had I been by his bedside as he lay dying, I should have cured him as I have cured so many others. But now he is dead, I will raise him to life again; and your faith will be strengthened, for you will behold a far greater miracle than the healing of the sick. So, for the sake of the apostles, Jesus waited where He was until Lazarus was dead. “He forebore to cure Lazarus’", says St. Augustine, “in order that He might raise him from the dead.”
  2. Four days. He had, according to the Jewish custom, been buried on the day of his death. Jesus arrived at Bethania on the evening of the fourth day.
  3. Now also. Although he is dead I still have hope, for I know &c.
  4. Thou wilt ask. She hoped and believed that our Lord could procure her brother's return to life by His prayers. Her faith was but imperfect, for she did not expect that Jesus could work a miracle by His own Omnipotence, but only by the power of His prayers. It was to combat this error that our Lord said: “I am the resurrection and the life.”
  5. I am. I do not need to pray for the restoration to life of your brother, for 1 can raise him up myself; for I am the author of life (chapter XXVI).
  6. Shall live. His soul will live for ever in heaven — and his body also, after its resurrection, will attain to life everlasting.
  7. Yea, Lord. Her faith was still imperfect when Jesus first arrived; but His words: “I am the resurrection and the life” increased and perfected it.
  8. The Son of the living God. Her answer is most apt and complete. He had asked: “Believest thou that I am the resurrection and the life?” Martha answered: “I believe that Thou art the Son of the living God, and that, therefore, not only canst Thou raise the dead to life, but also do everything that Thou wiliest.”