Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/684

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He gave him the assurance that his faith would not fail, and entrusted him with the office of confirming his brethren in faith. As a matter of fact Peter’s faith never did waver, for he did not cease to believe, even when he lacked the courage to confess his faith. Our Blessed Lord destined him to be the foundation of His Church, and on that account prayed that his faith might ever be firm and untarnished, so that he might act as a prop to the faith of his brethren. By so doing our Lord Jesus Christ appointed St. Peter to be the supreme teacher of His Church, his office being to maintain and confirm all members of His Church in the true faith; and He gave to him moreover the special grace that his faith should never fail; in other words, that he should be infallible in the exercise of this office. How could Peter confirm his brethren in the true faith, unless he himself were preserved from error in matters of faith? His infallibility in the exercise of his office has, together with the office itself, descended from Peter to his successors, the Supreme Pontiffs of the Catholic Church. An infallible teacher who can maintain his brethren, his fellow-Christians, in the true faith, is as necessary to the Church now as it was in the days of St. Peter. The Roman See has always proved itself to be the guardian and protector of the true faith, by giving, in virtue of the divine office committed to it, unerring decisions in matters of dispute, and rejecting all false doctrines.

Application. What happened to St. Peter ought to make you guard very carefully against over-confidence in yourself, and make you pray fervently: “Lead us not into temptation!”

Chapter LXVIII.


[John 14— 17]

JESUS, seeing that they were sad at what He said [1], consoled them, saying: “In My Father’s house[2] there are many mansions[3]; I go to prepare a place for you[4]. I will come again[5] and will take you[6] to Myself, that where I am you also may be. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” But Thomas

  1. Said. “The Son of Man, indeed, goeth & c.”
  2. My Fathers house, i. e. in heaven.
  3. Many mansions. So that there is room for all.
  4. A place for you. So that you may really find admission there.
  5. Come again. At the end of the world.
  6. Take you. With your souls and bodies.