Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/728

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Application. Fear and detest sin, for it is a terrible evil! If you are ever tempted to commit a mortal sin, put to yourself this question: “Whom shall I choose, Jesus or Barabbas?” Make a firm resolution never to commit a grievous sin for any price which the world could offer you, never to prefer anything to Jesus, but to serve Him lovingly, who for love of you suffered such shame and torments.

When Pilate asked the Jews: “Why, what evil hath He done?” they knew not what to answer. Let us ask our Divine Saviour: “What evil hast Thou done to be so inhumanly treated, and to die such a cruel death?” And His answer would be: “I loved you, therefore did I suffer these things. Behold the greatness of My sufferings, and you shall behold the greatness of My love. Will you not respond to this love, by loving Me in return?”

“I am a king”, said Jesus, though He knew that His royal dignity would procure Him no other crown but a crown of thorns, and no throne but the Cross. Look at Him earnestly, and with deep compassion. Look at this king crowned with thorns! See how He suffers, how He is ill-treated, scoffed at and mocked! See what majesty is His! Behold, the eternal King wears a crown of thorns for love of us, that He may kindle in us love in return. He suffered nameless torments to merit everlasting joy for us. He endured endless indignities to win for us eternal honour. He wore the robe of scorn to clothe us with imprishable glory. His royal dignity is one of love, for He desires to be king of our hearts. Shall He not, then, be our king? Cast yourself at His Feet, and promise Him that you will love Him ever more; and that you will follow His steps in humility and patience.

Think what a cowardly and disgraceful thing human respect is, and examine your conscience whether you have ever done evil or omitted what is right for fear of the wicked of unholy people. Fear God, and be afraid of no man.

Chapter LXXV.


[Mat. 27, 31. Mark 15, 20. Luke 23, 26. John 19, 17.]

THEN the soldiers of the governor, tearing[1] from the Body of Jesus His purple robe, clothed Him again in His own garments, and laid the Cross, whereon He was to be crucified, upon

  1. Tearing. They tore off his purple robe, but not his crown of thorns. We may imagine what pain the process involved for His wounded Body.