Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/761

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The same evening[1] they returned to Jerusalem, where they found the eleven gathered together, who exclaimed: “The Lord is risen indeed[2], and hath appeared to Simon." The two disciples now told the apostles how they also had seen the Lord, and how they had known Him in the breaking of bread.


Further proofs of the Resurrection. The Lord had risen indeed, for He had appeared a) to Peter, and b) to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, conversing with these two last for a considerable time, and instructing them in the Faith. These form the third and fourth apparitions of Jesus after His Resurrection. His sudden mode of disappearance proved that His Body was glorified, subtle and agile.

The apparition to Peter. Our Lord appeared to St. Peter before any of the other apostles 1. to distinguish him as the chosen head of His Church; 2. to repay him for the greater love he bore Jesus than the others; 3. to assure him of His forgiveness, and to show to the whole world how pleasing to Him were Peter’s tears of contrition, and how willing He is to forgive repentant sinners.

The doctrine of the apostles is the doctrine of Jesus Christ. We see in this chapter how our Lord Himself instructed His apostles and disciples in the understanding of the Scriptures. All the explanations of the types, prophecies &c. which are to be found in the writings and discourses of the apostles are, therefore, to be regarded as the explanations of our Lord Himself.

Jesus Christ is the promised Redeemer, for in Him and through Him was fulfilled all that the prophets foretold about the Redeemer.

Faith must be entire. Our Lord rebuked the disciples because they, like the rest of the people who were misguided by the Pharisees, believed only in those prophecies which treated of the glory and power of the Messias, and ignored those which related to His humiliations, sufferings and death; and He expressly demanded of them that they should believe all that God had revealed through the prophets. So now God requires of us Catholics to believe, not only the truths which suit our inclinations, nor again only such truths as the Church has

  1. The same evening. Although it was already evening, and the way was long. They wished to lose no time in announcing to the apostles the good news that Jesus was really alive and had appeared to them.
  2. Is risen indeed. “It is no delusion, as we thought it was earlier in the day, when the women told us that He was risen. He has really risen and has appeared unto Simon (Peter).” Where our Lord appeared to Peter, and what He then said to him, the Gospel does not inform us.