Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/771

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your own”, says St. Paul, (for) “you are bought with a great price” (1 Cor. 6, 19).

Proof of true love. Each time that Peter assured our Lord that he loved Him, Jesus replied: “Feed my lambs.” Peter, therefore, was to prove his love for his Master by directing and teaching the faithful, i. e. the flock of Christ. In the same way parents, priests and teachers ought to prove their love for our Lord by leading those placed under their charge to the knowledge and imitation of our Lord, by instruction, discipline, and good example. He who loves the Good Shepherd must look after His lambs.

Application. Are you really grateful for being in the true Church of Christ? What sort of an answer could you give if our Lord asked you: “Lovest thou Me?” How do you show your love for Jesus? Are you fond of prayer? Do you faithfully fulfil the duties of your state in life, and your duty towards your parents, teachers &c.? Do you bear suffering with patience and resignation, for love of Jesus?

Chapter LXXXIII.


[Mark 16, 19. Luke 24, 50—51. Acts 1, 1— 12.]

JESUS having appeared to His apostles many times[1] and spoken[2] to them of the kingdom of God, that is to say, of all that was requisite for the foundation and government of His Church, appeared to them for the last time[3], on the fortieth day after His Resurrection. He commanded them to wait in Jerusalem until they had received the Holy Ghost[4], and then He added:

  1. Many times. Up to now we have heard of seven apparitions of our Lord after His Resurrection, five of which took place on the same day that He rose from the dead. After these seven we are told (Mat. 28, 16; 1 Cor. 15, 6) that He appeared to more than five hundred disciples at once. This was the eighth apparition of which we are told, and this was followed by the last, and ninth related in Scripture, the account of which is given in this chapter, and which was immediately followed by His Ascension. Probably, however, He appeared many more than nine times to His apostles and disciples, though these nine are the only apparitions related in Scripture.
  2. Spoken. These discourses about the institution, spread and government of the Church are not related in Holy Scripture.
  3. The last time. “As they were eating.” He ate with them, and then commanded them to remain in Jerusalem.
  4. The Holy Ghost. After the Descent of the Holy Ghost they were to preach to the whole world — Jews, Samaritans and Gentiles, beginning with the Jews. Jerusalem, which was the centre of God’s kingdom under the Old Covenant, was to be the birthplace but not the centre of the Church of the New Covenant. The apostles, as we shall see further on, exactly followed this prescribed order in their preaching.