Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/783

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the father of lies, and you “grieve the Holy Ghost”. Hold, therefore, to the truth, for it is shameful and sinful to tell lies. St. Augustine says that we may not tell a lie, even if by the lie we could save a man’s life.

Chapter LXXXV.


[Acts 3, and 4 to 22.]

ONE day, Peter and John were going up to the Temple to pray. There was at the gate called the Beautiful, a man who was lame from his birth, and who was carried every day to the gate of the Temple to beg alms from those who went in. Seeing Peter and John, he asked them for an alms. But Peter said to him: “Silver and gold I have none, but what I have I give thee: In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” Then having taken the man by the right hand, Peter lifted him up, and immediately his feet and soles became firm. Then leaping up, he stood and walked, and entered with them into the Temple, praising and blessing God.

All the people[1] were filled with amazement to see the lame man leaping and walking.

But Peter said to them: “Ye men of Israel, why wonder you[2] at this? or why look you upon us as if by our strength we had made this man to walk? The God of our fathers[3] hath glorified[4] His Son Jesus, whom you delivered up to death, but Pilate judged He should be released; but you[5] denied the Holy One and the

  1. All the people. Who followed them into the inner court of the Temple, when Peter seized the opportunity to preach to them faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. Why wonder you? You need not look at us with astonishment, for this miracle was not worked by our own power, but by the power of God.
  3. Of our fathers. That is to say, God who revealed Himself of old to our father Abraham, and did great things for him.
  4. Glorified. He has cured this man in order that glory may be given to His Son, and that you may recognise the Divine Power and Majesty of Jesus.
  5. But you. Thus St. Peter, in order to bring home to the Jews the enormity of the crime of which they had been guilty, recapitulated to them the following circumstances: a) you delivered up Jesus to the Gentiles to be crucified, but God has glorified Him; b) even the Gentile Pilate wished to release Him, but you, the Messias’ own people, denied Him, and would not recognise Him as the Christ; c) you desired the release of Barabbas, and refused to acknowledge Jesus, though the former was a criminal and a destroyer of life, whereas Jesus was the Holy One, the Just, and the Author of life.