Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/814

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which God hath purified[1] do not thou call common!” This was done three times[2], after which the vision disappeared.

Whilst Peter was wondering[3] what this vision might signify, the Spirit of God [4] spoke within him, saying: “Behold, three men seek thee; arise, therefore, go down, and go with them, doubting nothing, for I have sent them.” [5] Immediately Peter went down and met the men whom Cornelius had sent.

Next day he set out with them, and with some of his own disciples, for Caesarea. Here he was met by Cornelius, who, bowing down before Peter, told his vision and all that the angel had said.

Peter then understood his own vision about clean and unclean animals; that is to say that the Gentiles, who had hitherto been considered as unclean, were to be received henceforth into the Church of Christ. Whereupon he announced to Cornelius and his household the doctrine of Jesus Christ.

And opening his mouth, he said: “In very deed I perceive[6] that God is not a respecter of persons [7]. But in every nation he that feareth Him [8], and worketh justice, is acceptable to Him. God sent the word [9] to the children of Israel, preaching peace [10] by Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all[11]). You know [12] the word which hath been published through all Judaea: for it began from Galilee,

  1. Hath purified. God has purified all things by the blood of His Son.
  2. Three times. In order to remove all doubt from Peter’s mind. This vision signified to Peter that all distinctions between clean and unclean food were removed under the New Covenant; and that likewise the distinction between clean and unclean men, between Jew and Gentile, was to cease in the kingdom of God.
  3. Wondering. For he did not feel at all clear about it. But as soon as the three Gentile messengers came to invite him to go to Cornelius, he understood what the vision had meant, and that the Gentiles as well as the Jews had direct access to the grace of the kingdom of heaven.
  4. Spirit of God. The Holy Ghost.
  5. I have sent them. For I have commanded Cornelius, through an angel, to send some one to fetch you.
  6. I perceive. By experience, by the fact that God has sent me to you.
  7. A respecter of persons. Whether they be descended from Abraham or not.
  8. Feareth Him. And obeys the voice of his conscience.
  9. The word. i. e. the revelation of Jesus Christ or the Gospel.
  10. Peace. Redemption and reconciliation.
  11. Of all. All people, not only the people of Israel.
  12. You knew. For Cornelius and his friends, who were, like him, Roman officials, lived in Judaea and often visited Jerusalem, and must have heard a good deal about Jesus.