Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/852

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8, 19), and it also will have its share in the Redemption of Jesus Christ, “for the fashion (the present form) of this world passeth away” (1 Cor. 7, 31), and nature will be, not destroyed, but transformed and glorified. The earth on which once the Son of God dwelt visibly, and on which He now dwells invisibly in the Blessed Sacrament, will be transformed into an everlasting Paradise. It has been for a long time the abode of sin, misery and death, a vale of tears; but after the Last Judgment it will become the abode of immortality, joy and rapture. So all-embracing is the work of Redemption that it will obliterate all the consequences of sin, will entirely remove the curse which rests upon nature, and will impart to all creation a higher and eternal life!

Application. We have now arrived at the conclusion of the Bible History, and how beautiful and magnificent this conclusion is! You have been taken back to the beginning of Sacred History, and reminded how in the beginning God created heaven and earth, and made for man an earthly Paradise. This Paradise was lost to man by his sin, and from henceforth the earth was stained with sin and every kind of abomination. Some day, however, all that has been marred by sin will be restored by the Divine Redeemer; the whole of creation will be transformed and renewed, and the earth converted into a Paradise. God grant that, some day, you too may be glorified and received into the heavenly Paradise!

In order to attain to this, your last end, you must hold fast to the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. This last Chapter of the Bible History which we have just read places before you the wonderful constitution, preservation and development of the Church, and reminds you that the Church is God’s work, instituted by Him for the salvation of souls. She was foreshadowed, and the way was prepared for her, in the Old Testament; and when the fulness of time came she was founded by Jesus Christ as a means of salvation for the whole world. She is the Bride of Jesus Christ, won by Him through His Most Precious Blood. Our Lord delivered to her His doctrine and the treasury of the graces of Redemption, and only through her can you partake of the fruits of Redemption, and be pardoned and saved. Thank God, therefore, that you are members of His saving Church. Honour, reverence and love her, obey her precepts, and diligently receive those means of grace which were committed to her; and then you will be saved!

Let us, as we finally close this Bible History, fervently renew our baptismal vows.