Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/854

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His infallible Church. God’s messengers have delivered the word of God to men chiefly by word of mouth (Tradition); but some of them also by writing (Holy Scripture). Hence the Church, in teaching us what is revealed, draws her doctrine from two sources: Tradition and Holy Scripture 38 312 446 723. Holy Scripture is inspired 804; requires interpretation 762. Faith is a gift of God and an act of virtue 460 507 530. The object of faith is the unalterable Word of God who is Truth and Truthfulness itself 54 60 (Abraham); 187 (Balaam). The causes of unbelief 507 600. Doubts about faith 183. Indifference 776. Sins against faith 785.


Faith is the very beginning and root of our supernatural life and our justification 54 184 448 487.

“Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebr. n, 6). No salvation without faith in Jesus Christ 448 (Mark 16, 16).

Faith to be bought at any price 512 (The precious pearl).


Faith must be:

1. entire 54 186 719.

2. firm, like that of Abraham 54 60 68; Job 126; Josue 195; the widow of Sarepta 268; Elias 273; Simeon and Anna 409; the Magi 414.

3. steadfast , as that of Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Daniel, Eleazar, Machabees, the Man born blind, St. Stephen, the Apostles.

4. living 54 414 (Magi); 621 (Wise virgins); dead faith 460 622.

5. openly and fearlessly confessed 234 (David); 339 (Three youths); 427 (John the Baptist); 579 (Man born blind). “He who shall confess me before men” &c. (Matth. 10, 32). The Apostles and St. Stephen after Pentecost.


§ 1. GOD.

His Divine Attributes:

1. Eternity 7 134 (“I am who am”); 332 (Prayer of Susanna).

2. Immutability 134. In His designs and decrees 78 289 (Ninive).

3. Omnipotence. Illustrated by the Creation of heaven and earth through His sole word 7; the deluge; the ten plagues; the Exodus of the people of Israel &c. 282 289.

4. Omnipresence . Illustrated by the history of Adam and Eve in Paradise, and the life of the Patriarchs 44 61 267 332 475; by the words of St. Paul 794.