Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/861

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512 (He proves His dominion over nature by stilling the tempest). 515 (the raising of Jairus’ daughter, and the cure of the infirm woman by the touch of His garments); 519 (He transfers His power of working miracles to His apostles, who heal many sick). 525 (the multiplication of the loaves manifests His creative omnipotence); 530 (the four miracles the day after the miracle of the loaves prove that Jesus is independent of the laws of nature); 536 (He delivers from a devil the absent daughter of the Chanaanite woman, and cures a man deaf and dumb); 543 (by His Transfiguration He reveals His indwelling divine majesty); 576 (the cure of the man born blind is judicially examined and authenticated); 589 (Jesus appeals to His miracles as proofs of His Divinity, and vanishes suddenly from the midst of His enraged enemies); 595 (raising to life of Lazarus); 657 (Jesus strikes the ruffians to the ground by a word, and heals the wounded Malchus); 696 (the wonderful con* version of the penitent thief); 702 (the miracles attendant on His death); 710 (the miracle of all miracles, the Resurrection); 7 24 (Jesus reveals His omniscience); 728 (the miraculous draught of fishes); 732 (the Ascension); 734 (Jesus sends the Holy Ghost); 741 (Peter in the name of Jesus heals the lame man); 755 (Jesus appears to Stephen); 766 (He appears to Saul, converts and cures him); 769 (through Peter He cures Eneas and raises Tabitha to life); 778 (through the angel He frees Peter from prison); 782 795 797 (He works many miracles through St. Paul); 521 806 (the maintenance and spread of the Church proves the divinity of Christ).

Object of our Lord’s miracles 440 446 599; object of the Old Testaments miracles 139 149 194 272 284 346.

Witnesses of our Lord’s miracles 491 599.

Object of the apostles’ miracles 743 761 770 785; diffiference between our Lord’s miracles and those of the apostles 743.

3. by prophecies'. Jesus foretold the treason of Judas and the denial of Peter 637 640; His Passion and Death 444 445 531 562; His Resurrection 444 503 (the sign of Jonas); His Ascension 532 642 ("In My Father’s house there are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you”); 715 ("I ascend to my Father”); the martyrdom of St. Peter 727 802; the descent of the Holy Ghost 643; the destruction of Jerusalem 605 616; the spread of the Church 486 510 (the grain of mustard-seed); 539 ("the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”); 561 (the sheep-fold), 806.


The Passion of Christ foretold: 238 (by David); 313 (by Isaias); 435 (by John the Baptist); 444 533 601 602 (by Christ Himself).

Types of the crucified Saviour: Isaac 70; the paschal lamb 142 701 706; the brazen serpent 183 445.