Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/867

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Jesus has commanded us to love our enemies 473 (“I say to you, love your enemies” &c.); 551 (parable of the unmerciful servant); He taught the same by His example 659 (by healing the wounded Malchus); 693 (by praying on the Cross for His enemies).

It is noble to forgive: 89 (Esau); 112 (Joseph).

Love of the poor , widows dr.: the king’s daughter and the infant Moses 130; Booz and the poor Ruth 209; Tobias 300; Jesus with the widow of Naim 491; the centurion 487; the widows of the early Christians 758; Tabitha and the widows 770.

The corporal works of mercy:

1. to feed the hungry: Abraham 57; Joseph 108; Booz 209; the widow of Sarepta 267 ; Jesus multiplies the loaves 526; Martha 560;

2. to give drink to the thirsty: Abraham 57; Rebecca 74; the woman of Samaria 453.

3. to clothe the naked: Tabitha 770.

4. to harbour the harbourless: Abraham 60; Martha and Mary 560; the two disciples at Emmaus 720.

5. to visit the imprisoned: Abraham 56; Daniel saves Susanna 331.

6. to visit the sick: Job’s friends 124; the disciples of John the Baptist 492; the good Samaritan 558; Peter visits Eneas 768.

7. to bury the dead: Tobias 305; the inhabitants of Naim 489; Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus 704.

The spiritual works of mercy:

1. to convert the sinner: Henoch 35; Noe 36; Joseph 107 ; Elias 271; John the Baptist 425; the thief on the right hand 696; Paul and Barnabas at Lystra 783.

2. to instruct the ignorant: Jesus in chapters XV — XVII; Peter on day of Pentecost 735; at Caesarea 772; Philip and the Ethiopian 760; Paul at Athens 792.

3. to counsel the doubtful: Joseph 102; Roboam’s old advisers 262; Naaman’s servants 280; the counsel of Gamaliel 750.

4. to comfort the sorrowful: Joseph 99; Tobias 296; Jesus in chapt. XXIII (the young man of Naim), XXV (Magdalen), XXX (Jairus’ daughter), LIV (the raising of Lazarus), LX VIII (parting words).

5. to bear wrongs patiently: Job, his wife and his friends 126; David’s magnanimity 231; Tobias and his wife’s reproaches 294; Eleazar 361; Jesus in His Passion 656 701.

6. to forgive injuries: Esau 89; Joseph 112; David 228 246; Jesus 693; Stephen 757.

7. to pray for the living and the dead: Abraham intercedes for Sodom 62; Moses for his people chapt. XXXVII XL, Samuel XLVIII; Solomon LIX, Elias LXIII, Judas Machabeus LXXXV for the dead); the disciples pray for Peter’s mother-in-law 460; Jesus for His apostles 520; for the unity of the Church 265; for His enemies 645 ; Stephen prays for his murderers 755 ; the Church for Peter 780.