Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/870

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Good children: Joseph 89 112; Ruth 208; Tobias 301; Jesus 423 698.

Parents are the representatives of God: Jacob’s words 89.

Love of parents for their children: Jacob 118; the parents of Moses 129; David 245; Tobias 300 304; Mary and Joseph 417 419; dolours of Mary 410; the widow of Naim 491.

Reverence for parents: Sem and Japhet 43; Joseph 117; admonition of Tobias 304. Sins against it: Cham 43; Absalom 245.

Love for parents: Joseph no 113 117; Juda 112; Tobias 304; Jesus 697. Sins against it: Joseph’s brethren 90; Absalom 244.

Punishment of bad children: Cham 43; the sons of Heli 214; Absalom 245.

Reward of good children: Sem 45; Joseph 121; Tobias 304.

Conduct towards fosterparents: Ruth 208; Samuel towards Heli 214; the disciples of Elias 283; Jesus towards Joseph 423. Conduct towards masters: Eliezer 74.

Authority ordained by God: Aaron’s budding rod 179; Saul 230; our Lord’s words 722 (“As the Father hath sent Me” &c.); divine right of kings 228; distinction between spiritual and temporal authority 310; Nabuchodonosor’s dream 337; our Lord’s words 589 612 (“Render to Caesar” &c.); 684 (“Thou shouldst not have power” &c.).

Sins against spiritual authority: The revolt of Core 180; Ozias 309; the boys at Bethel 285; Ananias 746; against temporal authority: the murmuring of the Israelites against Moses 150 178; the revolt of Core 180; Absalom’s rebellion 244; the ten tribes 262.

Lawful disobedience: Tobias 294; the high priest and Ozias 309; Daniel 325; the young men in the furnace 339; the Machabee brothers 363; the apostles before the Council 744.

Duties of parents and superiors : Abraham 71; the exhortation of Moses 189; Heli’s sons 214; Tobias 304; “Suffer the children to come unto Me” 549.

Respect for old age: Pharao pays honour to Jacob 117; the boys of Bethel 285.


Injury to our neighbour's body and soul: Cain 31; Joseph’s brethren embitter their father’s life 92; Samson’s eyes put out 200; David causes the death of Urias 240; Naboth unjustly put to death 275; Eleazar 361; the Machabee brothers 363; the holy Innocents 416; beheading of John the Baptist 523; Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus, the scourging of the apostles, stoning of Stephen &c.

When the taking of life is lawful: 159 224.

Evil intentions against our neighbour: our Lord’s words 472; the envy of Cain 31; the hatred of Esau 77; the envy of Joseph’s brethren 90; envy of Saul 227 ; anger of the Nazarites 457 ; hatred of Herodias 523; hatred of the Pharisees towards Jesus 684 &c.