Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/873

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420; of word: curses, lies &c. ; of deed: killing, stealing; of omission: Ruben 93; the slothful servant 625.

Sin is the greatest of all evils: sin of the angels 11; sin of our first parents 22; evil consequences of one venial sin 93; Joseph’s words: ‘‘How can I do this wicked thing” &c. 94; the severe punishment of Moses’ doubt 183 189; our Lord’s words: “If thy hand scandalize thee” &c. 548 553 (an inconceivably great guilt); 566 (dissipation and slavery); “What doth it profit a man” & c. 588; sin bears two aspects 671; Punishment of the fallen angels 11; of our first parents 24; the bitter Passion and Death of Jesus 652 655 659 669 674 680 681 690 701 702.

Sin is an act of ingratitude 22 99 112 244 567.

The folly of sinners: Esau sells his birthright 79 301 (enemies of their own souls); the prodigal son 566.

The consequences of mortal sin: the angels 11; our first parents 22; Cain’s pangs of conscience 30; Samson 204; Saul 218; the city laid waste 327; the loss of Jesus 423; sin a leprosy 488; the prodigal son wastes his substance 566. The punishment of Sodom 65; the rich man in hell 571.


When is sin mortal? Examples: the sin of our first parents 21; the lie told by the woman before the judgment-seat of Solomon 253; the false witnesses against our Lord 663.

The name of “ mortal sin ”: God’s threat “in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death” 15. The father’s words in the parable: “This my son was dead” 568.

When is a sin venial? Examples: Jacob 93; doubt of Moses 183; Zachary 384.

Capital sins are the sources of all other sins:

Cain 31; Joseph’s brethren 92; the avarice of Judas 639.

Pride: the fallen angels 11; our first parents 21 26; the Tower of Babel 48; Pharao 140; Core &c. 180; Saul 218; Goliath 225; Absalom 246; Solomon 260; Roboam 263; Tobias warns his son against it 298; Ozias 309; Aman 355; Herod 415; Simon the Pharisee 498; the rich glutton 571; the Pharisee in the Temple 584; the Pharisees 579; Herod Agrippa 780; the Jews of Antioch 785 Avarice (covetousness): it is an idolatry 161; Achab 276; Giezi 285; Jesus warns against the worship of mammon 478; Judas 639 669; Ananias 748.

Lust: see the Sixth Commandment.

Envy: the devil 18; Cain 31; Laban 89; Joseph’s brethren 93; Saul 227; the cruel woman before Solomon 253; the labourers in the vineyard 594; the Pharisees 713.