Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/876

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427 428 432; Peter 463 (“Depart from Me” &c.); 744 “Blessed are the poor in spirit”; 469 the centurion 487 (“Lord, I am not worthy”); Jairus 517; “Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child” 548; the publican in the Temple 584 (“God, be merciful to me a sinner”); exhortations and example of Jesus 431 549 585 588; the wise virgins 622; Paul 786 799 (“I am the least of the apostles” &c.).

2. Liberality: Abraham’s hospitality 58; Booz 209; Tobias 297; Mary Magdalen 494 713; the poor widow 615; Nicodemus 708; the first Christians 746. See the corporal works of mercy above 823.

3. Chastity: Sem and Japhet 45; Joseph 94; Ruth 208; Judith 320; Susanna 332; Mary 393.

4. Brotherly love: Abraham 56 60; Rebecca 73; Ruth 208; Booz 209; Jonathan 227 232; Tobias 295; the relatives of Elizabeth 396; Jesus apd Mary at Cana 440; Jesus weeps over Jerusalem 605 (“Weep not for Me” &c.).

5. Temperance (moderation in eating and drinking): Judith 320; Daniel and his companions 328; John the Baptist 396 427.

6. Meekness: David towards Saul and Absalom 228 245 264 282; our Lord’s words 587 (“Learn of Me, because I am meek” &c.); example of Jesus 663.

7. Diligence: Moses’ last words 189 ; David 233 247; Elias 265; Isaias 31 1; the Machabees 367; the widow Anna 409; our Lord’s exhortation 560 (“One thing is needful”); the labourers in the vineyard 594; the wise virgins 621; parable of the talents 623.

Industry : Jacob 82; Ruth 208; Mary 393; Jesus 423 457; the apostles 464.


Perfection: commanded by our Lord 474 573; models of perfection: Jesus, Mary 389 393 Sec.; Paul 798.

The following of Jesus Christ 464.

The eight Beatitudes 469.

The spirit of the world and the spirit of the Christ 470.

Self denial: its necessity 202; Samson 203; Tobias 305; Judith 320; Daniel and his friends 328; John 396 427; Jesus 434; our Lord’s words 481 (“Enter ye in at the narrow gate”); 586 (“If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself”).

Conduct in adversity : Job 126; Tobias 296; Lazarus 571; Jesus on the Mount of Olives 654; the apostles 751; Stephen 755 756.

The evangelical counsels 575 (difference between the commandments and counsels):

1. Voluntary poverty: Abraham, Job, Mary, John the Baptist; poor Lazarus 571; the apostles 464 (“Behold we have left all and followed Thee”); advocated by Jesus 573; His example 401 586 (“The foxes have holes” See.) 708.